
he highest-level tombkeeper known in Lubei, knew that Qinglong was taking orders from Emperor Ji, but still acquiesced. her presence.

The two are both tit-for-tat and cooperative.
Lu Bei weighed his weight and found that he was underweight and would need some time to grow.
After practicing for two and a half years, he has reached the second level of transcending tribulations. Without using the ten-eyed demon, he can compete with the weakest level in the Mahayana stage in actual combat. With two mouthfuls of poisonous milk, he can fight with the strongest Jiang Suxin.
“It’s still too weak.”
Lu Bei gathered his thoughts and exited the Xuanwu Ring LAN. He hesitated for a moment and did not wear the ring on his middle finger.
Regardless of the flat Qinglong, he played against Jiang Suxin on the chessboard. The process was very enjoyable, to the point of tearing out his heart and lungs. He saw very clearly and was convinced that Jiang Suxin’s ten fingers were clean and she was not wearing a Xuanwu ring.
Lu Bei believed in Jiang Suxin’s mind. He didn’t wear it, and he didn’t wear it either.
But swallowing it in the stomach is not safe.
Suddenly, a plan came to his mind, and he raised his hand. When the black-winged golden-eyed eagle fell, his soul control changed into the size of a sparrow, and the ring turned into an anklet, which was put on the golden-eyed eagle’s claws.
Inspired by his spiritual thoughts, the Xuanwu Ring still exists.
Lu Bei silently praised his IQ. As for the possibility that the Black-winged Golden-Eyed Eagle was shot down with a bow and the Xuanwu Ring was accidentally lost, he never considered it at all.
That’s what Ying Long should worry about.
When he was the leader, he didn’t have one or two bastards under him. His actions were not only reasonable and reasonable, but also made Ying Long’s eldest brother image more full and three-dimensional.
Yinglong had to thank him!
After figuring out the key, Lu Bei no longer had any worries and tried a new operation, using a ray of soul in the body of the Black Winged Golden Eye Eagle to control the Xuanwu Ring.
/This time I tried it, and I actually came up with the instructions.
A jade slip.
Not only are there instructions for operating the Xuanwu Ring, but there are also tasks given by Ying Long, and a piece of general information about the tombkeeper.
The instructions indicate the functions of the Xuanwu Ring. The first is a local area network connection. The four gravekeepers Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu can contact Yinglong anytime and anywhere, and the soul is projected to the Forest of Steles.
As the leading brother, Ying Long can not only contact the four people with the Xuanwu Ring, but also summon their souls to the Forest of Steles.
The second is another function of Xuanwu Ring: Heavenly Return and Great Teleportation.
Those who hold the Black Tortoise Ring can carve a mark at a certain location and physically cross the void in an instant. They are an absolute artifact for managing space.
For example, Lu B