
ng sun shines, it looks like a personal skin lantern is floating on the top of the green mountain.”

Xu Ying could not help but feel his scalp numb as he imagined that scene.
Shushan Jianmen’s practice of Nuo has greatly increased the sect’s strength. However, this time, someone cut leeks and almost wiped out the sect!
“The ancient leek man was so careless that he even picked out the leek root!” Xu Ying thought to himself.
“The surviving masters of the Sword Sect have therefore issued a kill order. Anyone in the Sword Sect who dares to practice Nuo will be cleansed of the sect, and both body and soul will be destroyed! The master said that these people have entered the devil’s way, in order to achieve quick success, Being treated like a piece of fish!”
Shi Yuqing glanced at Xu Ying, with some unknown light shining in his eyes, and said, “Uncle A Ying doesn’t practice Nuo, right?”
“No!” Xu Ying said flatly.
Shi Yuqing was elated and said with a smile: “I think Uncle Aying is a gentleman and will never practice heretic magic.”
Xu Ying laughed loudly and suggested: “Let’s go around instead of meeting Yuan Tiangang. I’m not very familiar with him.”
/As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice: “Is it little friend Xu? We haven’t seen you for many years, how come you are still the same as before?”
Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a burly bearded man standing in front of a wooden house with a bag on his back. It was Yuan Tiangang.
Xu Ying bit the bullet and said, “It turns out to be Mr. Yuan. Where is Mr. Yuan going?”
Yuan Tiangang stepped forward and said with a smile: “Before I entered Wangxiangtai, I calculated that the world would change and the opportunity for immortality would appear six hundred years later, so I came to Wangxiangtai before my life span was exhausted. Escape and wait for the opportunity. Now six hundred years have passed, and the opportunity for immortality has finally arrived, so I want to go out to find the magic of immortality.”
He laughed and said: “I have been hiding here for six hundred years, and fishermen dare not enter here to catch me. Let me live for another six hundred years.”
Xu Ying was moved and said: “Sir, you have a wonderful plan!”
The timing of Yuan Tiangang’s departure from Wangxiangtai was extremely clever, as it coincided with the great integration of Nuo and Qi refining.
/He was originally a Nuo Immortal who fell into the Nuo Immortal’s trap and became fish meat on the fisherman’s chopping board. However, he hid in Wangxiang Terrace to avoid death. He has been waiting here for six hundred years. When he leaves Wangxiangtai this time, he can extend his life by three thousand years just by practicing the Qi refining method!
Although extending your life span by three thousand years does not mean you will live forever, it does open up many more possibilities!
Therefore, Xu Ying praised him for his clever calculation.
Yuan Tiangang smiled and said: “I am originally a Nuo Immortal. I am good at magic and know a little about calculations.”
When Shi Yuqing