
ht light appeared.

Not long after, Xu Ying came to the place where the light appeared. He saw that this place was a canyon, surrounded by mountains. The mountain walls were full of broken flying swords, inserted into the mountain in various directions!
/“Someone encountered a powerful enemy and fought here. Many flying swords were broken.”
Xu Ying looked at the fragments of the flying sword, and his heart moved slightly: “This kind of swordsmanship is very similar to the swordsmanship used to kill those ghosts in the wine shop. Is that Qi Refiner also lost?”
/He rushed forward along the broken flying sword, and suddenly he heard a woman’s voice: “Uncle Cangyang, don’t you remember? When the world changed greatly, you took the initiative to sacrifice yourself and brought a batch of swords with you. Venerable Men entered the Wangxiang Terrace and left this useful body for the future.”
Xu Yingxun looked up and saw a girl wearing aqua clothes standing in the air. Behind her was a bright moon, shining brightly, and countless flying swords floating around her.
At the bottom, there is an old man with white hair. The top of his head is so bald that it can shine.
The old man’s lower body was a three-legged toad. His body was covered with fleshy bumps and he had a ferocious face as he stared at the girl in the air.
“Three thousand years later, I’m here to find you, to revive Shushan Sword Sect! Where are those Sword Sect sages?”
The girl suddenly felt something in her heart and looked towards Xu Ying.
Xu Ying walked out cautiously and said with a smile: “Girl, I don’t mean to disturb you, but I’m lost. Can you please give me some advice on how to get to Naihe Bridge?”
The girl was about to speak when suddenly the old toad, with his white hair flying in the wind, surged in the storm, and countless rays of white light hissed and stabbed at Xu Ying!
Xu Ying showed a shocked look, and those white hairs turned into countless exquisite sword moves, stabbing at him!
He had seen such fierce and surging sword power once, when Li Xiaoke was in the ruined temple in the barren mountain of the underworld. When facing the attack of the jackdaw master, the giant of the underworld, he regained his heart of swordsmanship and split the endless ashes with his supreme swordsmanship. , standing between heaven and earth!
That time, Li Xiaoke’s sword intent was as powerful as this old toad!
When the girl saw this, she hurriedly shouted: “Get out of the way!”
She flashed and appeared in front of Xu Ying. The bright moon was in the sky behind her, and countless sword energy flew out, shaking the old toad’s white hair!
“I can’t stop it” she felt desperate.
This toad old man is Venerable Cangyang of Shushan Jianmen. Three thousand years ago, during the Han Dynasty, Shushan Jianmen had noticed changes in the world, so Cangyang led many sages to Wangxiangtai in order to preserve the vitality of Shushan Jianmen.
The girl’s purpose this time was to invite Cangyang and others to come out and revive Jianmen.
But I didn’t expect that Cangyang