
e alien beasts and investigate the Japanese Fujiwara Kuai and Fujiwara Mojiro? I found that the Japanese and the alien beasts are actually colluding together.” Li Hongfang pointed at the River XC area behind him and said , when I came here just now, I passed by the women’s health club owned by Alien Beast.

Hexi is under Lushan Mountain, and it seems that because of the shadow of Lushan Mountain, it will always be suppressed by the more prosperous bright lights of Hedong. There seems to be a reason why shady creatures like alien beasts choose their stronghold in Hexi instead of Hedong. It seems that the popularity of Hedong is too strong.
“Except for all the beautiful things, it’s not surprising that the Japanese collude with anything.” Liu Changan looked back at Li Hongfang and helped her pull up her skirt with satisfaction to prevent the river wind from blowing her too exposed lower body and getting cold. She needs to work hard. Compared with other species in Jiuzhou Fenglei Sword Sect, Li Hongfang is really very capable.
Li Hongfang felt that his fingers inadvertently touched the skin exposed by the slit of the skirt. She bent slightly and straightened her body nervously. After all, as a mature woman, she was worried that the bending action would make her lower abdomen appear slightly. full.
“Go on.”
“I left the textile factory site yesterday and saw a Japanese car with a diplomatic photo hanging on it running around in the traffic. At that time, I became interested and followed it quietly.”
“Later, I saw Fujiwara Kuai being helped out of the car and entering the women’s club. After a while, Fujiwara Kuai left again. He seemed normal. He was completely different from the panicked look when he first entered. different”
“Well, it’s like I just had sex with a shemale in Thailand. I learned that the other person had H-IV. After I hurriedly took the blocking medicine, I put down half of my worries with lingering fear.” Li Hongfang paused and thought of something. An extremely appropriate metaphor.
Liu Changan glanced at Li Hongfang in confusion. How did she come up with such an unconventional and vivid metaphor? He is worthy of being a potential contract author who can turn a sentence into a novel.
/“Do you still remember that Dan Dan once pulled something as thin as a gossamer out of your body?” Liu Changan asked. Li Hongfang was honest and respectful in front of Shangguan Dan Dan, which was a little different from others.
Firstly, she knew how powerful Shangguan Dandan was and was scared. Secondly, she was grateful to Shangguan Dandan for completely eliminating the hidden dangers in her body.
Li Hongfang nodded vigorously, can you not remember? Anyone who has been caught by the flying hair, and then had the hair penetrated into the body and pulled out again, will never forget this ghost movie-like scene.
“Shangguan Dandan can not only take out this thing that controls other people’s bodies, and can live if they want others to live, or die if they want others to die, but he can also put it in.” Liu Changan s