
or a long time, if they use elixirs such as Longhu Huiyuan Dan, the potency of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

The same is true for the poisonous energy that corrodes people’s minds.
If you meet that monk with a tough heart and a god-like state of mind, not to mention the poisonous evil spirit, the beautiful illusion is really reflected in the real world. No matter how rich or beautiful the person is, I am afraid that they will not be able to affect his state of mind in the slightest.
Even if you meet a monk who has been able to maintain a peaceful state of mind for a long time, even if you want to be attacked, it will take a very long time to teach the poison to be deposited in his heart a little bit with his breathing, and finally rely on quantitative changes to induce it. Qualitative change.
But here, Chu Weiyang had just spread the poisonous evil quietly. Even if he breathed, it was only two or three times. At this moment, he was already furious and looked like he had lost his mind.
But if that’s all it is, it doesn’t really matter. It just means that this person is in a very bad state of mind.
/However, in the next moment, when the man’s anger surged and his cultivation, energy, and mana fluctuated little by little, Chu Weiyang suddenly raised his head and secretly shrank into his large sleeves. The dharma seal has already been grasped in his hand, but it will not be released.
Because at this moment, Chu Weiyang clearly and truly sensed the aura of the demonic beast and blood evil from this person’s body!
Or, this person is just like me, practicing the secret spirit-enhancing spell of Tingchang Mountain.
Or, there is only one possibility, this person is a blood evil monk!
Thinking of this person’s identity as a monk of the Blood Demon Dao, and then thinking of how he lurked in the Taoist city in the name of a disciple of the Dan Sect during the beast tide disaster, and thinking of the earlier time when Chu Weiyang first went to the bank of the Baoping River. Served with the imperial edict.
And what this person just said about Aoping Riverside and what Mr. Fan of Shenxiao Sect said.
Almost in an instant, Chu Weiyang had already sketched out the general outline from behind through these detailed connections, allowing people to see the appearance of the mysterious trick.
But just looking at what was in front of me, I had not thought about what to do in this flash of thought.
Suddenly, a violent shout not far away interrupted Chu Weiyang’s contemplation.
/“How brave! You, a bloodthirsty Taoist cultivator, dare to show up in Tao City during a disaster!”
When the voice fell, before Chu Weiyang could follow the sound and look, a ghostly wind suddenly pierced straight towards him like a sharp arrow. Inside the gray-black smoke and dust, reflected by the dark sky, there was a ferocious wind. The spirit appeared, shrouded in a faint light that grew stronger with each breath, and headed towards the evil cultivator of the Blood Demon Dao.
Not to mention that Chu Weiyang, who was on the spot preparing to