
wly revealed words as the aura turned around.

In fact, before ascending the city wall, Du Zhan, the Taoist disciple of Danzong, had already privately informed Chu Weiyang of Danzong’s arrangements for the two of them.
“As a guard, I protect the monks in the Dan River Valley and temporarily collect and treat the injured monks at the city wall. Within a two-hour limit, I will record two hundred honors such as Xun Gui. If I kill monsters during this period, I will record twice as many honors as usual. ”
Perhaps they were affected by the sound of fighting on the embankment outside the city wall. At this moment, Chu Weiyang and Miss Qinghe looked at each other and just nodded to each other quietly, but neither of them said anything.
At the same time, behind the female wall, Du Zhan also retracted his gaze towards the mist in the distance, and walked back worriedly. When he passed by Chu Weiyang and other Dan Sect guards, he just kept silent and cupped his fists. Fu hurriedly walked back.
Behind everyone, at the corner of the flat and wide city wall, flat-top tents supported by thick furs almost formed a large square area. At this moment, as Chu Weiyang followed the sound and looked around, Du Zhan crossed his arms. Yao, as Daozi, has already begun to give orders and arrange things.
Without time, among those empty tents, alchemists were walking silently one after another, busy minding their own business, which seemed to be incompatible with the sound of fighting not far away.
/As he was watching, suddenly, at Chu Weiyang’s wrist, the white jade poisonous snake kept twisting its body, and even made frequent buzzing sounds to warn Chu Weiyang.
In an instant, before the Dan Sect guards could react, Chu Weiyang and Qing He raised their hands.
One person pinched the heart-eating charm, and the other caused the demon wind to swirl.
Just when the killing tools were hanging, the continuous buzzing of the snake demon spitting messages and the subtle friction sound of climbing on the city wall resounded very densely in everyone’s ears.
For a moment, some timid monks panicked.
Among the crowd, the harsh voices of some older monks could be heard
/“Anyone who abandons the formation and flees will be regarded as betraying the human race and taking refuge in the monsters, and should be punished by being killed on the spot! Everyone who finds it will be punished! Remember Xunren and the other ten! Little brother, don’t make a mistake, yeah, yeah, return it I don’t want to enrich these people with their blood!”
Before they finished speaking, while everyone was still chanting incantations, Chu Weiyang and Qing He had already taken a step forward.
The black arrow shot through the air, and what fell tightly behind it was the five-color smoke and dust carried by the evil wind.
This time, the arrow hit the city wall. Not to mention it was a hole, but there was not even a white mark left. But then, the gray poisonous gas spread, and then swayed away along the evil wind, carrying the five colors. Soot.
Suddenly, after seven inche