
the white hair of the owner of Baihua House. The old woman looked into the depths of the sea. At this moment, she wanted to catch up and leave Mr. Kui alone.

However, after briefly deducing the subsequent changes in events, Baihua Host quietly gave up on such a decision.
She took advantage of the situation and retreated, standing side by side with Elder Zong, Uncle Shang and others, looking towards the outer sea, looking towards the long and narrow coastline, looking at the direction completely, like a Sumeru barrier, hanging down from the sky and the earth. The hanging wall separates the human world from the outer sea.
Especially this hanging wall.
Many people may have seen the scene on the outer sea with their own eyes, but almost 90% of the great monks in the Golden Core realm have never seen the scene of the hanging wall.
At this moment, standing behind a section of the parapet of the Hanging Wall, Uncle Shang, with a very unspeakable expression of emotion, raised his hand and gently touched the wall of the Hanging Wall that was cast in one piece. Black and cold thick walls.
Then, Shang Bofu raised his head again, feeling the Tao and Dharma that were wandering around the world at this moment, and feeling the Tao and Dharma that were felt in places like the Tao Guan Peak and the Trial Field, but he A completely different atmosphere of heaven and earth.
It wasn’t until after a brief silence that Uncle Shang looked at Elder Zong beside him with an expression of inexplicable emotion.
“Is this the sea of ??monsters outside the world?”
Mr. Zong smiled and nodded lightly.
“Yes, this is the sea of ??monsters outside the world.”
“It’s true.” Uncle Shang seemed to be at a loss for words. After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and patted the cold wall before continuing, “It is indeed well-deserved!”
/At the same time, in the mid-air, because the qi of the great demons in disguise and the great monks in the golden elixir realm were intertwined between the heaven and the earth, the atmosphere reached the most tense atmosphere.
But it happened that at this time, due to the intertwining of qi between the cultivators, the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and at the same time, the intensity of the mutual attacks decreased for a while.
In only a few places, due to the unevenness and ups and downs of the coastline, Zhenhai Daocheng was too close to the deep sea, and therefore too early to approach the huge waves that were as thick as mountains.
Really high-intensity mutual attacks with the purpose of deciding life and death still occur deep in the thick and huge waves.
The smoke and dust of the bones’ evil aura rose into the sky like a torrent, and then rushed left and right in the majestic water vapor. In an instant, even in the thick curtain of mist and rain, the white color of the torrent could be seen at a glance. See clearly.
When looking carefully, there is also a faint dark golden demon light in the torrent of white smoke. Amidst the evil aura of the bones, the pig is running like a wolf, even though