

His spirit was extremely strong, and the influence of the ‘high-frequency sound waves’ only caused him to lose consciousness briefly. This process only lasted for half a second at most.
/When the evil god believer Beerbom recovered, he saw a third-level epee in front of him. The only thing he could do was to put up a defensive barrier in front of him.
This was also his defensive method to prevent melee opponents from attacking. In his opinion, David’s formal knight’s strength, coupled with the third-level epee in his hand, could never break through his defensive barrier.
It was just that David activated the ‘Epee Space Cutting’ at this moment. The master-level ‘Epee Space Cutting’ coupled with David’s huge strength, the defensive barrier was as thin as paper.
The third-grade epee cut through the neck of Beerbom, a believer in the evil god, and separated his head from his body, causing his head to fly in the air.
“Knight Charlie, are you okay?” David jumped off his horse, supported Charlie and asked.
His spirit swept through Charlie’s body and found that Charlie was not injured, but seemed to be under some kind of curse.
David didn’t do much research on curses, so he could only look at Charlie helplessly and was helpless.
Of course Charlie couldn’t answer David’s question. The only part of his body that could move was his eyes. He used his eyes to express his gratitude to David.
Although Charlie’s eyes were full of tears, they were tears of excitement.
Charlie’s life has been smooth sailing since he was a child, and he has rarely suffered any grievances. This time, he was almost captured by the followers of the evil god.
He could not imagine the consequences of being captured by the followers of the evil god, whether he would be tortured to death, sacrificed alive, or his family would be threatened.
No matter what the situation was, it made Charlie feel worse than death.
So he could only express his sincere gratitude to David, who showed up in time to save him.
David held Charlie aside and stood beside him to protect him.
The sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and soon the figure of the Lord of Kagel appeared. After seeing the body of the evil god believer Beerbom and Charlie sitting on the ground, he let out a long sigh of relief.
As long as Charlie is fine, then everything doesn’t matter.
“Baron Arthur, thank you for your help!” Lord Cagel jumped off his horse, bowed and saluted David, expressing his most sincere gratitude.
Without David’s timely appearance, the consequences would have been unimaginable.
/If something happens to Charlie in Jianmo City, the anger of the White Dragon Emblem will be unbearable by Jianmo City and the entire Dasheng Planet.
Earl Bunker will be blamed by the White Dragon Emblem, and the anger of the White Dragon Emblem may even devour Earl Bunker.
“Lord Cagel, there is no need to be polite, look at Knight Charlie, he is motionless!” David said in return.
Lord Cagel walked to Charlie’s side, lowered his head to check, and then took out a magic amulet from the sp