
h that matched his madness.

The Five Elements Sect once had talented disciples who could carry the cauldron, but in the past, several members of the Waihai group died at the hands of Chu Weiyang. Now that Liu Xuanfu is hiding in seclusion, the remaining few true geniuses are no longer enough to control the overall situation.
Among the remaining people, 30% came from the calculation among the great sects and Taoists, and belonged to the mediocre group of monks. And even another 70% were really calculated and could barely reach the threshold of the great sects and Taoists. A group of monks.
In the past, they had acted crazy more than once, but perhaps they were in awe of the name of the Five Elements Sect and were frightened by the excessive madness of this sect, so the cultivators made some concessions when facing the members of the Five Elements Sect.
But alas, this is no longer what it used to be.
When they need to face public anger and real fire, madness itself is not even enough to protect their lives.
A real death event breaks out!
When Duan saw this, Chu Weiyang looked in the distance where Liu Xuanfu was retreating.
/It was deathly silent there, and there was not even a ray of light passing through the jade slip.
Obviously, Liu Xuanfu’s avoidance inevitably became part of the driving force for the cultivators of the Five Elements Sect to completely lose control.
At this moment, a thick sword evil aura suddenly erupted at the gate of Daocheng.
“Fellow Taoists of the Five Elements Sect, if I find Taoist Xiao Meng, don’t skimp on the treasures just because I am a loose cultivator! You’d better prepare the benefits in advance!”
This was Lu Beihai’s voice. It seemed that the words were addressed to the Five Elements Sect members, but in fact they were addressed to the Jian Sect.
The reputation he had gained was still not enough, and he still wanted to gain more. However, the current situation in Daocheng was obviously no longer suitable for him to take action.
Thinking of this, Chu Weiyang also narrowed his eyes slightly.
Be as light as dust, be as light as dust.
When all the cultivators are emitting such strong and violent energy, it is probably time for me to be very quiet and think about it, and go for a walk outside the Daocheng!
When Lu Beihai finished speaking, Chu Weiyang jumped up and stood on the roof of the courtyard quiet room.
It is difficult to escape in the air in Daocheng. Standing at a high place at this moment is enough for Chu Weiyang to see clearly the changes in the scene at the gate of Daocheng.
Just like Chu Weiyang, there were also many great cultivators. Even while looking from the sky, many people were scanning in all directions, taking in as many details as possible.
For example, at this moment, what Chu Weiyang saw was the look of resentment on the face of the young Daozi from Chunyang Palace. After the news of the death of the senior brother from Chunyang Palace reached Dao City, Chu Weiyang had already seen it. A series of jade slips were sent to the young Daozi’s cour