
mple and the True Lord of the Ding Family have taken action. Her action this time is just to delay the other party’s actions. It is good to achieve the goal, but it does not matter if the effort is in vain.

mple and the True Lord of the Ding Family have taken action. Her action this time is just to delay the other party’s actions. It is good to achieve the goal, but it does not matter if the effort is in vain.
The head of the battle hall of the White Tiger Temple saw this and slashed out with his sword, which was unparalleled.
Murong Shenqi didn’t take these attacks seriously, but he really didn’t expect that the other party actually ambushed two Zhenjun to assist him, especially Ding Xiangshi, who directly attacked him without any rescue.
In this case, although Ding Qingyao and Hang Shouzuo’s attacks were slightly missed, they had a serious impact on him.
Before Murong Zhenjun came, he had prepared for the worst and was mentally prepared to escape thousands of miles away if his attack failed. However, he never expected that the offensive and defensive positions would change almost in the blink of an eye.
After resisting Yu Ruyi’s blow, half of his body appeared. Seeing that the situation was not good, he wanted to run away.
However, at this moment, his body suddenly stopped and moved more than two feet out of thin air!
No one else knew why he did this, but Murong Shenqi was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, “Teleport?” The
so-called teleportation is to teleport people and objects across space, but it only teleports two feet. This is not disgusting. Instead, it was explained that the teleportation was from the other party, and he was forced to move to disrupt his escape plan.
It’s so insidious, Murong Shenqi was so angry that he wanted to shout: Who the hell did this? If you have the guts, stand up for me!
But at this time, he didn’t care about looking for the culprit. As long as he dared to delay half a breath, he might not be able to leave.
Leaving aside the two True Monarchs, the attacks from the high-level cultivators of Xuannv Palace and White Tiger Temple can also bring some threats to him, not to mention that there are several permits at the scene, which is not easy to mess with at first glance.
/So he directly spat out a mouthful of blood and activated the blood-transforming technique of the True God Sect. He was still willing to give up this bit of life essence and blood.
However, even if he didn’t care to observe who was teleporting him, his reaction was still slow. The illusory white tiger bit the bloody flag tightly, and at the same time raised its front paws, a huge tiger claw appeared out of thin air and slapped it heavily. To his true nature.
The power of space lag! Murong Shenqi is going crazy, he can’t take back his banner in a hurry – what kind of things have these idiots in the White Tiger Temple practiced in these years.
With a sway, he suddenly transformed into three people, turned into blue smoke, and fled desperately in three directions.
One of the wisps of green smoke was slapped on the tail by the white tiger and almost collapsed and dispersed. There was another wisp of green smoke that was blocked by the big red hand, and then attacked with swords a