
ickly gave the answer.

ickly gave the answer.
So on the third day, Huang Yongchao finally learned the news about Wang Zhiyun, so he rushed over immediately.
But his speed was still a bit slow. When he arrived at the inn, Wang Zhiyun had already left and headed straight for the north gate.
/He led a few soldiers to fight and gallop all the way, and finally saw Wang Zhiyun’s back at the door of a courtyard. He shouted loudly, “Zhiyun, I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” The figure on the
horse turned around, although his face was Expressionless, but who is that if not Wang Zhiyun?
However, the king’s military commander ignored him at all and rode through the gate.
Huang Yongchao whipped his horsewhip fiercely and rushed over quickly. He never thought that the door in front of him would slowly close. The two craftsmen holding steel knives looked at the group of them coldly.
With a “bang”, the door slammed shut, and Huang Yongchao almost bumped into the door.
Fortunately, he had a good horse. As soon as he reined in the horse, the horse neighed, raised its two front hooves, spun again, and stopped abruptly.
Huang Yongchao immediately became angry. Although the manor was huge, he really didn’t pay attention to it. Moreover, this place was really not a place that he couldn’t mess with in his memory. He couldn’t help but roar, “Open the door for me.”
” Get out!” A production engineer shouted sternly, “Open your dog eyes and take a look. This is the Ye family’s mansion. Is this the place where you run wild?”
The members of the Ye family are always high-minded, especially recently, there are relatives of the Ye family. , a more aggressive group of people moved in. They had encountered so many probing people in the past few days. They were extremely annoyed and had a lot of anger.
Huang Yongchao was furious. He sneered, “What is the Ye family? I don’t know. Do you know who I am?” The
vice president of the court is very good, but if nothing else, someone with the same status as him, There can be at least more than a hundred of them in the capital.
“I don’t care who you are,” Zhi Xiu is also very good. There are many people begging the vice president of the court to do something. He points the steel knife in his hand, “Either get out or die!” Zhi
Xiu threatens people with death. After listening to It seems unbelievable, but in fact it is normal. The Ye family mansion is purely the private property of the Ye family, and anyone who breaks in without invitation will die.
Especially the disciples of the Ye family, who have been so annoyed by others recently, of course their tone cannot be improved.
“I am Huang Yongchao, the munitions department.” Is Huang Yongchao really popular? Any manufacturer can grin at me? “Come on, do you want me to die?”
At this moment, a sharp shout came from the side, “Either get out! Or die!”
Huang Yongchao looked sideways, and his body shook suddenly, “High-level cultivator ? Who are you?”
“Who do you care about me?” The voice was from a young man. He laughed ferociously, “Liaodon