
to suffer the slaughter of foreign races.

to suffer the slaughter of foreign races.
He just gave a little push on certain things and made everyone realize that there is no reason to talk with foreigners.
/Well, he is actually a little jealous of those middle-grade spiritual stones. If there is enough support from the spiritual stones, there will be no bottleneck for him in realizing the truth and so on.
As a wind watcher, I have to prove it and become a true king no matter what, so that I can watch the wind in the Middle-earth Kingdom without any scruples.
Of course, when that time comes, he has to hide his cultivation. Otherwise, where the true king has passed, there will be no worldly feelings at all.
/But that’s all for the future. It’s too early to think about it now and there’s no need.
So he asked Du Jingjing to borrow the messenger stone from Erlang Temple and sent a message to Xuannv Palace, telling Zhao Xinxin that I would be returning a few days late because something was bothering me here.
Deacon Du came forward, and the cost of the summons stone was once again spent on public funds. This was not taking advantage of the public. In fact, she did make a new discovery-a large number of souls were transported to the temple of the True God Sect on the northwest border. stone.
If we want to talk about the real opponents of the True God Religion in China, they are the four major palaces, and the government should be pushed to the back. The official government is the New Moon Kingdom established on the basis of the True God Religion.
Such news, even if it is not the source, will definitely be reimbursed by Xuannv Palace as a verification.
Then Zhao Xinxin’s reply came over – pay attention to safety and come back early.
“Come back early” again? Li Yongsheng was also quite speechless about this. Yongxin’s language expression ability was sometimes a little too broad.
He kept the matter under wraps, and then said that Li Yongsheng had treated Zhu Zhu for the fifth time, and he swore that it would be the last time.
In fact, in the first four times, he had already dissolved the Taoist Qi remaining in Master Zhu’s body to some extent. The remaining ones could not be completely transformed even once or twice, and were mostly used to repair the meridians.
This time, the time was a little longer, almost five and a half hours. During this process, the people at Erlang Temple also broke their past habits and actually started asking Li Yongsheng the principle of acupuncture.
This is not stealing skills, it is a discussion between doctors, but Li Yongsheng answers more and asks fewer questions.
At first, the person who asked the question was just Master Bu Ping. Later, even Zhu Erhuan, the abbot of Erlang Temple, also spoke up.
In addition to Ding Qinglian and Master Huyan, those watching the treatment this time were also a Master named Yun. This person was also a naturalized nationality and had a small relationship with Erlang Temple. He was invited by Master Huyan.
In the past four times of acupuncture, Li Yongsheng just kept pricking