
im up, he turned around and ran away with him, “Quickly!”

im up, he turned around and ran away with him, “Quickly!”
When passing by the two knights, he didn’t forget to catch the knights as well. Three of them The big living person was as light as nothing in his hands.
Zhang Muzi’s green silk ribbon wrapped the two of them and followed him closely. At the same time, he did not forget to shout, “Master, run away on horseback.”
/“Idiot,” Li Yongsheng cursed in a rough voice, “You Are you afraid that people won’t be able to follow the mark and find us?”
This was what the two of them had discussed before. They first relied on their cultivation to run into the mountains, knocking over a few people, and then borrowed Zhang Muzi’s flying Taoist weapon to escape, making the other party want to Can’t even find it.
After rushing into the forest at high speed, there was a noise behind him – apparently reinforcements from the Lin family had arrived at the scene.
Li Yongsheng stopped and raised his hand. Three talismans were attached to the three people in his hands. He took two more talismans and attached them to the two people in Zhang Muzi’s hands.
“Magic Talisman?” Zhang Muzi was well-informed after all. After seeing the origins of these five talismans, he nodded, “It’s a good plan. Don’t worry about these five people leaking the news. Do you often do this? What happened?”
The magic talisman can close people’s six senses and thinking. Although these five people have been restrained, their consciousness has not been completely lost. A signal may be sent out. This magic talisman can make them temporarily comatose, and the two of them can Buy some time and deal with the problem.
Chapter 321: Stirring a hornet’s
nest. The effect of the charm is very limited, but there is no doubt that at this juncture, it is the best way to deal with it.
The two of them ran wildly again. After rushing out of the forest, Zhang Muzi released the flying weapon. The two of them jumped on it with the person in hand, and flew away directly close to the ground.
The heavy rain was still falling, but the sound of the pursuing soldiers behind them was getting farther and farther away.
After flying over three peaks, the two stopped in a pile of rocks. Li Yongsheng jumped down and quickly formed a formation on the ground. Then he threw the person in and gestured with a smile, “Throw it in, blinding formation.” Even if you add an isolation formation, you can’t detect it even if you use chemical repair
to calculate the bloodline of your direct relatives. The ability of chemical repairers to calculate the bloodline of direct relatives is very powerful. The subtle induction in the bloodline can often get twice the result with half the effort.
What Li Yongsheng is doing now is gambling, and the Lin family’s transformation has not yet begun.
Zhang Muzi also understood the subtlety of it, so he had no choice but to restrain the two people in his hands and quickly threw them in, “Well, this little one was poisoned.”
Li Yongsheng replied disapprovingly, “You won’t die in a while, are you sur