
ugh these senior brothers and sisters were not of high moral character. , but each one needs to be carefully trained by True Lord Demon Slayer, and has great potential.

They are all considered ‘outstanding people’ among their peers!
This is also the natural ally of the Great Xia Dynasty in the future, and he will naturally not push them away.
After just a few words, the atmosphere in the palace suddenly became lively. After realizing that although Zhang Jian was the emperor, he did not look down on the few people, but was approachable. Several junior brothers also relaxed a little, and they felt that this young junior brother would make everyone more relaxed. Seeing him as one of his own makes me extremely happy.
After a while, a few people agreed to have a few drinks in the evening.
/On the other side, the Demon-Slaying True Lord also sent people to build a palace on the Demon-Slaying Peak to accommodate a few people temporarily.
As a true disciple of the Demon Slayer Peak lineage and an elder of the inner sect of Tongshan Taoism, Zhang Jian should have had his own residence, even a cave, a spiritual mountain, and even some authority.
However, after he attained Dao Yuan Shen, he spent most of the past ten years practicing hard and never returned to the sect to complete the relevant procedures.
It means that they have not yet officially chosen their own cave, or even determined their scope of functions.
This time when he returned to the sect, Zhang Jian simply settled the matter together.
Qi Yuhua, Bai Liying, and Zhang Zhao stayed in Demon Slayer Peak.
Not long after receiving the news, Zhang Yi and Zhang Xian hurried over.
The four mother and son reunited, and the Zhang family became lively.
Qi Yuhua and Bai Liying also had happy faces. It was certainly their purpose to follow Zhang Jian to watch the excitement, but the main reason why they were willing to follow Zhang Jian was that Zhang Yi and Zhang Xian were in the sacred mountain.
On the other side, Demon-Slaying True Monarch accompanied Zhang Jian and completed all relevant elder entry procedures. In addition to receiving a portion of the sect’s salary, the scope of authority of the inner sect elders was also confirmed, and there were also some benefits, such as being able to recommend disciples every year. They have the authority to enter some special blessed places and even some trial areas.
Another example is that every ten years, or a hundred years, or hundreds of years, you can enjoy several unique resources of certain sects, which are hard to find.
/Of course, with benefits, there will also be requirements.
Zhang Jian chose the inner sect elder’s power to focus on literature. He chose the power to teach martial arts, teach scriptures, or annotate books, etc. This is what he is best at, and it can also avoid affecting his handling of Daxia’s internal affairs to the greatest extent.
In fact, Zhang Jian valued the authority of these annotators in ancient sect books, otherwise with his current status, he could just have a false position.