
the city lord’s mansion. It seemed that the city lord, Banished Desolate Immortal, also wanted to leave here. In other words, Banished Desolate Immortal was the only normal person he had seen after coming to this banished city. People, it is now basically certain that this place is not from this plane, but is connected by the God Conferred Tower. Wang Meng really rarely is tempted by a magic weapon.

At this time, Wang Meng stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, “It’s dawn.”
Buzz! A strange sound sounded from the air.
Suo Ming was stunned. What was the boss doing?
Dawn? It’s just getting dark, right? Even though time flows very fast, it’s not like this, right?
I saw that the sky suddenly blurred, and the stars disappeared bit by bit, replaced by white clouds and a new sun, slowly rising from the horizon into the sky.
Suo Ming and Ma Tian’er were stunned. Although they had already regarded Wang Meng as a god in their hearts, it was too outrageous to say that night turned into day like this?
Ma Tian’er was even more surprised. Her spiritual sense was several times that of Suo Ming. At this moment, she could feel that strange powers were continuously escaping from Wang Meng’s body and integrating into this space, as if they were invading with divine power. The laws of this world are general.
Wang Meng smiled faintly and said, “I just borrowed a little bit of the power of the God-Sealing Tower.”
“Have you already obtained some authority from the God Conferred Tower?”
Ma Tianer suddenly woke up.
Wang Meng nodded, then shook his head and said, “Just a little bit.”
As he learned more about the God-conferring Tower, Wang Meng became more and more interested in this thing. Maybe the God-conferring Tower was really a divine object of heaven and earth, and not forged by some monk. Any monk who had reached a certain level of enlightenment could do it. Borrow as much strength as you want from the God-conferring Tower. How you borrow it depends on your personal ability.
The five little guys were all released from Wang Meng’s spiritual weapon. The five little guys had completed their transformation, and the Five Elements True Essence Beast was much more adaptable to the environment than humans.
“Hiss” the snaketail flower made curious sounds, obviously very sensitive to this new environment.
/Big Mouth shook his head to see if there was anything delicious.
The big man was holding his Xiongba Qiankun Stick, his eyes were full of fascination, Jiuzhe shook his head aside. If treasures also have genders, this Xiongba Qiankun Stick must be a female. The big man has become more and more abnormal recently. He says a lot of weird things to Xiongba Qiankun Stick every day, and sometimes tells jokes to Qiankun Stick.
Do you believe? The golden horned ape can tell jokes!
This is a cold joke in itself, but such a cold joke actually happened like this.
Xiaojia is the laziest. However, no matter how lazy he is, he dare not give up his practice. Just kidding, if he slacks off one day, the next day, the form