
n your debt. This little girl looks pretty good. Is she a disciple of your Holy Temple?”

“He Dong, if you want to cause trouble, I will accompany you!”
“You are causing trouble! Don’t think that Xue Zhongnan can protect you. You owe money to the Tongxian Chamber of Commerce. Even if the Emperor comes, I can’t save you!”
He Dong was quite arrogant, and several monks behind him also laughed wildly. It was obvious that they were all drunk and deliberately looking for trouble.
Wang Meng frowned. He didn’t care if someone was looking for trouble, but how could Xu Huang owe money?
He had heard of the Tongxian Chamber of Commerce. It was a huge organization that spanned all the small worlds. It purchased various resources. It also had many high-end auction houses, bought and sold intelligence, and was said to have assassination business.
“He Dong, I’m here and I can’t run away. The money I owe the Chamber of Commerce will definitely be repaid, not to mention there are still three days!”
Xu Huang said in a deep voice.
“Really, a thousand top-quality spiritual stones, what can you give back? As a deacon, I think you have no ability to repay, so you might as well come with us.”
“You’re looking for trouble!”
“Haha, Xu Huang, we have some friendship. In fact, I don’t want to embarrass you. So, if you let me take this little girl away, I can give you a month’s grace. How about it, without any interest?
He Dong looked at Linglong with such eyes that he almost looked into it.
Wang Meng thought in his heart that this guy was going to be in bad luck, and Linglong’s temper was not enough to kill him to pieces.
But Master Wang miscalculated again. Linglong was not only lifeless, but even a little scared. Her big eyes blinked. You can imagine how lethal it would be for the proud dragon princess to look timid and pitiful.
If it weren’t for being in public, He Dong would really go crazy, and the monks behind him would also be breathing faster.
There were many sounds of swallowing in the tavern.
/“Wang Meng, Linglong, please go back. I’ll just take care of this little thing. We’ll meet again next time.” Xu Huang said with a smile.
In any case, how could Wang Meng let people take Xu Huang away and stood up. Although he didn’t have a thousand top-quality spiritual stones, with Wang Meng’s current ability, it wouldn’t be a problem to find a way.
/“I guarantee that one thousand spirit stones will be returned within three days.”
He Dong was stunned and Yang Tian laughed, laughed wildly for a while, looked at Wang Meng ferociously, and roared: “You little brat who jumped out of nowhere, do you have a fucking say here!”
The monks in the tavern were waiting for the excitement to unfold.
The power of the Tongxian Chamber of Commerce is quite large and has far-reaching penetration, making it something that even the sects will not easily offend.
Wang Meng looked at He Dong and shook his head helplessly, “Originally, I really wanted to be reasonable!”
Wang Zhenren waved his right hand, and a golden spiritual finger appeared in the