
were cold, her temperament was cold, and even her palms were cold.

“Kid, take your hand away, I’ve caught this picture.”
“Grandma, you eat more salt than I eat rice, so don’t talk nonsense! It’s obvious that you are pressing my hand, and you are holding it so tightly that I can’t move it even if I want to.”
“In that case, I will help you take it away.”
The grimace female cultivator made a cold sound, grabbed Lu Bei’s left hand that was attached to the demon subduing map, and tightened her fingers suddenly.
“Oh, grandma is old, has a big temper, and is very strong.”
The astonishing force forced Lu Bei’s eyes to shrink. He clenched his backhand and slowly exerted force with his five fingers. His smile did not change and he said: “Fortunately, I am young and have a lot of strength!”
Click! Kaka
Holding his hands together, Zhu Qilan felt the increasing strength, his face changed slightly, and he was filled with surprise and uncertainty.
A few months ago, Emperor Ji Sect rounded up demon cultivators in Yizhou. She personally led the team and captured several of them alive. Using his position as guest minister as a temptation, he instigated one of them to rebel and asked for important information about the trading conference.
Several demon cultivators in the Transformation of God Realm took the lead and gathered demon cultivators from three states to catch all the God-given opportunities. Zhu Qilan would not let it go no matter what. She repeatedly checked the list of demon cultivators participating in the trading conference, then gathered all the people to secretly enter Ningzhou and ambush outside Ci’an County.
Unexpectedly, she still underestimated the demonic cultivators in the Three States Land. If an unknown person jumped out at random, she would have to go all out to parry it.
“Who are you?”
What came face to face was a pair of nostrils spitting arrogance.
/Zhu Qilan sneered and stopped, tightening his fingers and increasing his strength. As the white ice mist rolled around him, the temperature of the entire Buddhist courtyard dropped to freezing point.
A series of sounds of bones rubbing against each other exploded from the clasped palms of the two people. Where they stood opposite each other, the cold air spread along the fine cracks in the ground. The air trembled slightly, and the ripples in the circles shocked the terrifying force.
“Two benefactors, this is a pure place of Buddhism. Please don’t harm the harmony by fighting or killing.”
Seeing that the friction was about to escalate, a female nun who was probably the lobby manager stepped forward quickly.
She had pure features, a solemn expression, and a waist as weak as a willow in the wind. She held Lu Bei’s arm in her arms and tried to persuade her with kind words, saying that she was responsible for all the mistakes she made because of her poor reception. She was willing to waive the bill for the two of them. Stop and make peace.
Lu Bei heard that he was used to keeping a low profile, and since the black family entered the scen