
ration period have to do with you? Do you know what integration is? You don’t understand, let alone integration, you don’t even understand how to practice emptiness.”

Lu Bei sneered and pushed Hu San away, and he and She Zhang rose into the sky side by side: “In my humble brother’s opinion, you should stay and abuse the queen, so as not to be abused by others.”
On the ground, Hu San beat his chest and stamped his feet. Although it was an act, the lines were too real, and every word hurt his heart, and he was hurt by reality.
Hanjin, the royal palace.
Today, the father in the palace came to visit, and there were two fathers, one named Xiong Chu and the other named Wu Zhou. They were both big-muscled fathers who were good at preaching. The King of Han Jin hurriedly led the family out on a hunting tour and moved the palace out to his father. They live.
Filial piety moves heaven and earth.
In the Imperial Garden, three figures are sitting in the pavilion.
The Great Elder Zhu Heng closed his eyes and drank tea, humming a tune in his mouth, looking at ease and contented.
Opposite, Xiong Chu, two masters of the Fusion Stage, had cold faces, one male and one female. Due to their family lineage, the male was tall and the female was handsome. If anyone stood up, they were both a head taller than Zhu Heng.
The man’s eyebrows pointed diagonally at his temples, and he looked dignified and mighty. However, under his cold eyes, the black eye shadow was thick, and he had a mix of 70% righteousness and 30% evil energy.
The woman is extremely beautiful, with majestic eyes and indescribable nobility. The black cloak covers her voluptuous figure, adding a touch of coldness and force.
Compared with the two of them, the great elder Zhu Heng seemed
/It cannot be said that Zhu Heng’s appearance is not good. If he can give birth to a daughter of Zhu Wenlan’s caliber, Zhu Heng’s appearance will not be any worse. It can only be said that compared with the same comparison, the blood of the Xiong Chu Gu family is better than that of the Wu Zhou Zhu family. .
/“Elder Zhu, why hasn’t Elder Lu come back yet?”
“Mad Lord, don’t be anxious. Elder Lu is addicted to martial arts and has become crazy. It will inevitably take a while to meet a suitable opponent.” Zhu Heng replied calmly.
He looks calm on the face, but not calm in his heart.
He followed the clues and found the Xiongchu faction. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lord Xin Kuang and Lord Xin Li.
In a two-on-two situation, he was confident that together with Lu Zhou, he was no weaker than Lord Xin Kuang and Lord Xin Li, but the question was whether Xiong Chu had other masters hidden secretly.
What a shame, if it weren’t for the chaos in Wuzhou and the collusion between the remnants of Qinggan and Qi Yanhang, which made the situation in the Western Territory extremely dangerous, and the Emperor Ji Sect was unable to mobilize more people for a while, how would Xiongchu have been able to seize the initiative.
At this time, Zhu Heng desperately hoped that the royal family wou