
into pieces.

Because Zhu Heng has the cultivation level of the combined period, he usually doesn’t sleep and has fewer dreams, so Zhu Yi can survive and has not been killed in his dreams so far.
/This is not just talk. During the integration period, his magical powers are unpredictable, and many of his methods are like those of an immortal. Zhu Heng can really kill people in his dreams.
Zhu Wenlan was Zhu Qilan’s eighth aunt. She was kind-hearted and took good care of her younger generations. She had sought out the ten unique cultivation methods for Zhu Qilan in the early years. Later, I learned that Zhu Qilan was thrown to Yizhou by his clan to live alone, so he helped a lot, and even found Zhu Heng as a guarantee, and found a position of general for Zhu Qilan.
Standard real power, oil and water pipes are enough.
/Zhu Qilan was very puzzled by her eighth aunt’s way of choosing men. She couldn’t even figure out what kind of smoke came out of the imperial mausoleum, and how much smoke could be left on Zhu Yi’s body after being burned. Her status is second only to the Queen Mother.
Zhu Wenlan wanted to see Lu Bei, but Zhu Qilan immediately asked the dead man to roll over to pay homage to his elders without saying a word.
This was what Zhu Heng meant. He had to show the information from the Grand Commander of the Prefecture. The Grand Elder wanted to try to see if there was a possibility of spending some money to buy Zhan Lexian home and make the Tianjian Sect feel disgusted.
It’s good to succeed, but it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t succeed. The elders of Tianjian Sect have clearly marked the price, and the purpose of humiliation has been achieved.
Lu Bei walked in quickly under the guidance of Butler Yu, and when he looked up, he saw Zhu Qilan sitting upright, with a change from his usual iceberg face that kept people away from others, and his pretty face was full of well-behaved words.
Next to Zhu Qilan, the beautiful woman in palace attire has an elegant temperament. Time has washed away her purity and accumulated charm, like gurgling water flowing into a river. She no longer has the cheerfulness and lightness, but there is still tranquility radiating from the inside out.
There is nothing to say about his figure. After all, he is an elder. Lu Bei didn’t pay much attention to it. In terms of appearance,
It’s just okay, very average compared to Fox Three.
As for the elder Zhu Heng, who was sitting alone, holding a tea cup, Lu Bei caught his sight from the corner of his eye. His body was strong and strong, and he thought it would not be a problem to live another hundred years.
“What are you still doing? Come here.”
Zhu Qilan snorted coldly and called the stupid-looking Lu Bei to her side. Then she lowered her head and turned to Zhu Wenlan: “That’s him. His abilities are average. He’s busy here and there all day long and doesn’t produce anything. He just works around. .”
Zhu Wenlan raised her sleeves and smiled. The beautiful woman was confused for a moment. She raised her eyes to look at Lu Bei