
esty for a few words. No offense is intended!”

Empress Houtu nodded and pondered slightly.
She also has some inheritance regarding the origin of King Yuanshi.
But this is top secret, and she can choose not to tell the other party at all.
Because the lineage of the innate demon gods does not owe the Earth Emperor Dao Palace any favors.
But after thinking about it, Empress Houtu still didn’t refuse.
she said.
“This matter is top secret, but it doesn’t hurt to tell your close friends!”
Jiuyou Saint smiled when he heard this.
“Your Majesty is willing to tell you that our Imperial Palace owes you a favor. If your Majesty needs anything in the future, you only need to send someone to the Imperial Palace!”
Saint Jiuyou understood the subtext of this empress.
There is no problem with equivalent exchange of knowledge.
A smile appeared in Queen Houtu’s eyes and she said immediately.
“We brothers and sisters have a relatively complete inheritance from Father God. Although each of us only received a part, the twelve of us combined are still quite complete!”
“Father God should be the Chaos Demon God who was born from the will of the original Dao of Chaos. His essence is not much different from other Chaos Demon Gods, but the difference is that Father God is still the son of the original Dao. He has won the favor of two original heavy treasures!”
Two of the original heavy treasures appeared in the sky, namely Pangu Ax and Chaos Green Lotus.
Saint Jiuyou nodded.
This is almost the same as the information deduced by him and me.
After thinking for a while, he said again.
/“So, fellow Taoist, do you know where Pangu Ancestral God went after opening the sky? Did he travel through the endless dimensions of chaos, or did he transcend completely?”
After a slight pause, he said.
“Or maybe it’s like in the myth, completely abandoning the true body and returning to the depths of the original will of chaos to practice!”
His eyes fell on Houtu Empress, and her eyes were like stars.
Empress Houtu glanced at Jiuyou Saint.
She hoped that this was the case, and not like another saying in myths and rumors, that the Yuanshi Heavenly King failed when he broke through a certain realm and had fallen.
But she actually prefers it.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Yuanshi Heavenly King to sit back and watch the innate demon gods being bullied and plotted against.
It is even more impossible to sit back and watch the paths of many descendants be cut off.
Similar to the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, the eldest son of Yuanshi was just inferior to others and could only reach this point by relying on the protection of Yuxu Taoist Palace.
If not, I’m afraid he’ll be in jail and in bad shape.
Empress Houtu glanced at the Jiuyou Saint in front of her.
Saint Jiuyou asked about this kind of thing. Could it be that Saint Earth Emperor’s conduct has reached this level?
This thought came to mind, and Empress Dowager Hou was a little shocked deep in her heart.
Saint Jiuyou pondered for a moment and suddenly asked.
“Does the empre