
nth Heaven Realm’s Celestial Royal Family spoke up.

“Eternal Heavenly Lord, let him out, you have won this battle!”
That magnificent divine power even penetrates the extra-dimensional universe space formed by the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, and even the law light wheel, Dao Qi network, and ancestral Qi wheel woven in the extra-dimensional universe are trembling.
Zhang Jian thought to himself, his eyes fluctuated, but he didn’t care about the warning.
It’s not like he doesn’t have the support of his masters’ elders at the Daojun level behind him.
/But he still chose to let go of the confinement of the Immortal Tower of Creation.
He and Immortal Min Hua do not have a mortal feud for the time being, and they will not kill him at this time.
The surrounding mountains and rivers and the state of the country were removed, and a fiery red divine light flew out from the depths of the Creation Immortal Tower. In the fiery red divine light, Immortal Lord Min Hua manifested part of his true form.
The two pairs of huge phoenix wings behind him have been spread out, and endless flames are swirling around his body, as if they resonate with the laws of fire in the depths of the heavens and the world, and the laws of fire hidden in the depths of the original ocean of chaos are causing ripples.
There was a golden red glow in the depths of his eyes, and they were extremely angry.
There are heavy heat waves in the sea of ??clouds!
/At this time, he stared solemnly at Zhang Jian, who was not far away and had an indifferent expression.
He never thought that Fang Daoxing would reach such a level, and that his immortal skills would reach a state of perfection.
From the beginning of the war, they quickly fell into passivity, and were then suppressed to death by the opponent’s field control magic.
After trying many times, I failed to gain the initiative, and finally fell into the inexplicable dimensional magic.
After thinking about it, he couldn’t help but ask.
“Eternal Heavenly Lord, what is your last immortal magic?”
Zhang Jian glanced at Immortal Min Hua who was still unconvinced and said lightly.
“This is an undisclosed secret of our Tongshan Taoist tradition, so I won’t tell you!”
He is not a fool. How could he announce his secret knowledge in public, wait for other gods to decipher it, and ultimately harm him?
The unknown is the most frightening thing.
Immortal Lord Min Hua took a deep look at Zhang Jian, then he took out something with his hand and threw it towards Zhang Jian in an instant.
“This is the soul of Jiuyou, but I will never default on my debt!”
Seeing Zhang Jian take it casually, with surprise in his eyes, he said with a cold expression.
“But if I find out that I have treated Zihua poorly, I will never let it go!”
As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a red stream of light and disappeared into the sea of ??countless white clouds.
Seeing this scene, the other immortal gods from the tenth heaven immediately turned into streams of light and followed.
When the immortals saw t