
not practice swordsmanship are basically used to not touching the sword once they have used it. They feel that wielding a sword is thousands of times more sophisticated than wielding a sword. Since they already have the ability to wield a sword, how can they use a sword in their hands? This ability can be completely discarded. But Zhu Peng was different. He knew that Yu Jian’s attack was not only a fierce sword practice, but also a flaw in the sword practice. At this moment, Zhu Peng rushed in with the sword in his hand. The tip of the sword in his hand was tilted at a forty-five-degree angle, which made people look at it. , as if his whole body’s attack can attach his body to the sword at any time, and move with the sword to strike in the air. When one looks at this state, one can only think of one thought: “Invulnerable” “.

This impeccable sword thrust was inescapable and difficult to parry in the eyes of the man in black robe and long hair, so he did not dodge or even parry. With a “pop” sound, the sharp sword penetrated straight into the flesh. The Youlong Spirit Sword in Peng’s hand penetrated straight into the face of the black-robed man. Zhu Peng noticed that the moment the sword edge penetrated, the man’s face was crushed by the terrible sword. Broken.
Even Zhu Peng himself did not expect to be able to succeed so easily. After all, judging from the posture and prestige of the man in front of him, he should be at the level of a small BOSS, but he did not expect that he would be so weak.
/He raised his wrist slightly, and the disdain in his heart did not affect Zhu Peng’s swordsmanship. He had already passed the stage where the contempt in his heart would affect his swordsmanship. The spine of the Youlong Spirit Sword was slightly curved, and the sword was lowered. For a moment, under the infusion of Zhu Peng’s true energy, the sword suddenly bounced up, forcing the black-robed man to bounce up and even lift his feet off the ground.
The next moment, the sword in Zhu Peng’s hand swung down, as if it was hitting a baseball directly, cutting the black-robed man until his bones were broken, and he was thrown far away. Slowly returning the sword to its sheath, Zhu Peng rubbed his hands and said softly: “I didn’t expect it to be a fleshy foot, which cost me the energy to return to a top-grade spiritual stone.” Just when Zhu Peng was about to turn around, a low voice The deep roar of words rang in his ears, “The battle has just begun at this moment. Where do you plan to go, you bastard?”
The next moment, Zhu Peng jumped up without looking back. Several long black hairs that looked like spiritual snake spears instantly pierced where he had just landed. Zhu Peng stabbed his face and split his body. Remembering the fierce sword, not only was the man in black robe not dead, but he didn’t even seem to have suffered much damage. Once he counterattacked at this time, it was a shocking and earth-shattering attack.
His waist-length straight black hair has been mobilized to undergo strange changes at this moment. Several b