
e time of entry, when Zhu Peng walked into the darkroom dressed in black and wearing a ghost mask, the entire auction was already halfway through. Since there were not many people in the entire venue, even the auctioneer was There were only about thirty people, so Zhu Peng’s idea of ??sneaking in silently failed, so he had to join the crowd gracefully and casually found an empty seat to sit down.

At this time, Zhu Peng had already seen his teachers Su Wenshe and Hongyu.
Chapter 178 Shocking price, Qimeng begs for mercy
Even in the dark room, not everyone sat at the same table. There were nine pavilions protruding from the wall in mid-air, and Su Wenshe sat on one of them with Hongyu, obviously his status was higher than those below. Some monks. He was the only monk Zhu Peng saw with someone by his side, so it was not difficult to pay attention.
/“Yinluoyoumu, a tree that accidentally grows on the graves of people born in the yin year, yin month, yin day, and yin time. After being discovered by the monks, they tied it with the hair of more than a thousand people who died in vain in battle, which lasted nearly a year. It is a rare and wonderful thing that is shaped by sacrifices. It is then guided by the resentment of the wronged soul and tempered with secret techniques for seven, seven and forty-nine days before it is completed. This wood can be taken directly to purify the true essence of evil. It can also be used as a The alchemy materials are used as medicine to make elixirs, and they are also top-grade spiritual materials for raising and controlling ghosts. The base price is one thousand spirit stones, and each increase must not be less than two hundred.”
Zhu Peng was shocked in his heart as soon as the vague figure came out to sell the goods on the auction platform.
“One Thousand Two”
“One Thousand Six”
“Two thousand”
In the blink of an eye, Yin Luo Youmu, whom Zhu Peng had never even heard of, was sold at a shockingly high price.
Zhu Peng subconsciously noticed that the bidders were almost all monks with faint blood on their bodies and a strong murderous aura. It seemed that this object was a secret treasure that was highly valued by the evil spirits.
In fact, this is normal. Zhu Peng is not clear about other effects of Yinluo Youmu, but if the auctioneer of Sixiangzhai Dark Workshop does not make false claims, this Yinluo Youmu is effective in purifying the true essence of evil, then it will be beneficial to all those who are interested in generals. For demonic monks who practice pure evil arts, they are rare treasures.
In the end, this Yinluo Youmu was bought by a bald monk with a skinny figure and a ring scar for the price of 3,400 spirit stones. Although this bald man is wearing black clothes and a ghost mask, he does not cover his head. He obviously does not mind others discovering his true identity. Either he has profound cultivation and amazing combat power, or he has great power to rely on, and he is very confident and courageous. .
But, why is a Buddhist monk willing to spend a lot of money