
ntion making the monks of Taishan Sword Sect go crazy, even Taoist Raptor could not help but frown in displeasure. He originally wanted to seize the next bargaining chip to restrain the opponent. After all, there were five of them. There are, uh, four sword cultivators left at the Foundation Establishment Realm. After all, the opponents have more masters than we do. If they really fight fiercely, I and the Demonic Purple Bat will not be afraid, but the blood juniors behind me may suffer casualties. Disastrous.

Normally, Taoist Raptor might not have such a gentle mind, but since his precious daughter is among these young people, he naturally thinks a little more before his actions.
Chapter 676 Fighters compete for power, evil sword slaves
/The demonic purple bat’s cruel and unforgiving tactics shocked both the Taishan Sword Sect and the Blood Soul disciples, and even Taoist Raptor himself frowned.
However, he was decisive and ruthless after all. This time, the demon purple bat came to help out of the loyalty of his friends, and the trouble was caused by his own daughter. No matter where he stood, Taoist Raptor had to side with the demon at this moment. The purple bat’s side.
“Since blood has already been seen, let’s kill him cleanly.”
Such a violent thought flashed in his mind, and the next moment Taoist Raptor transformed into several almost physical images and pounced on the Taishan sword cultivators except Elder Shenji. One person attacked three cultivators of the same level and a bunch of Qi Refining cultivators. The fierce and fierce attack made Taishan Swordsman, who was slightly weak-willed, feel frightened.
Except for Elder Shenji, every Taishan Swordsman in the Foundation Establishment Realm felt that Raptor Taoist was attacking them with all his strength with incomparable courage, but none of his companions could protect him in time.
The elder Shen Ji on one side had just thought of his sword to restrain the raptor when the demon purple bat’s double-edged demon sword roared and flew to kill. This time he followed the sword and followed it. The following is as fast as a ghost. If Elder Shenji breaks the demon sword first, he will take advantage of the situation to attack. If Elder Shenji pays more attention to him than to the bloody demon sword, the demon purple bat can also use the spinning force of the demon sword to attack from the flank.
This is his consistent fighting method for many years, refined over time.
However, he really underestimated the terrifying sword cultivator, and even more underestimated the terrifying sword cultivator who was good at killing the sword “Daizong”.
He took a step back to avoid the terrifying edge of the bloody demon sword, and then took another step forward. Just by advancing and retreating in this moment, Elder Shenji had already inserted himself into the qi joint of the demon sword and the demon purple bat. He was alive and well. He held himself between the demon purple bat and the demon sword. At this moment, the bloody demon sword was flying behind him, but he