
the logistics department to print the wanted warrant as soon as possible and try to send it to hotels, hostels, hostels, bathhouses, Internet cafes and other places across the city before 10 o’clock tonight, and ask each police station to assign dedicated personnel to take charge of this work.”

the logistics department to print the wanted warrant as soon as possible and try to send it to hotels, hostels, hostels, bathhouses, Internet cafes and other places across the city before 10 o’clock tonight, and ask each police station to assign dedicated personnel to take charge of this work.”
In the past few days, Yu Lin either went shopping and tasted various delicacies, visited bookstores, watched movies, or visited scenic spots.
It seemed like I was having a great time, but in fact I felt like a walking zombie. I was in a state of confusion all day long. I didn’t know where to go, and I didn’t have a destination at all. I didn’t know where to go next.
Another day passed, and she returned to the hotel, exhausted both physically and mentally. She had just finished taking a shower and put on her pajamas when her cell phone suddenly rang on the bed.
It shouldn’t be Gu Sicheng!
She was startled, rushed out of the bathroom and picked up her phone. When she saw the caller ID, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.
“Director Han, why did you remember to call me?” She didn’t want to show such a hint of cowardice, and her tone was unabashedly sarcastic.
Han Bo looked up at the light box of the express hotel, held the car door and asked, “Linlin, have you eaten?”
“Director Han, believe it or not, I really forgot whether I had eaten, but you should know, you said Have I eaten?”
She was as weird as ever, but her words really hit home.
Two teams of police officers, one in the dark and one in the dark, were tracking and monitoring her 24 hours a day. If they wanted to know, they could even know how many times she went to the bathroom a day.
Han Bo was not angry and said with a smile: “That means I haven’t eaten. I didn’t eat either. Come on down. There is a Sichuan restaurant next to the hotel. I don’t know what your appetite is like. I have a bad appetite these days. I especially want to Eat spicy food.”
If you invite me, I will go?
If it weren’t for you, would we be in this situation?
Yu Lin was filled with anger and said coldly: “Thank you, Director Han, for the invitation. My little girl is not hungry.”
“You don’t want to know about Gu Sicheng, Qian Xiaowu and Zong Hao?
“What happened to them!
“I can’t tell you clearly on the phone. Come on down and chat while we eat. ” ”
There was news about the few people she cared about the most. Whether it was true or false, and whether Han Bo had ulterior motives or not, it was difficult for Yu Lin to refuse Han Bo’s proposal to have dinner together. She said “Wait a moment” and put down the phone to get busy. Change clothes.
/Han Bo is not just talking. There is indeed a Sichuan restaurant downstairs in the hotel.
When Yu Lin changed into a new suit and dressed up beautifully, Han Bo turned around and introduced: “Lin Lin, let me meet you. This is me. Colleague Chang Caiyan; Caiyan, this is Miss Yu Lin. ”
Hello, Miss Yu. ”
/“Director Han, it’s just the three of us. Why don’t you call the others in the police car? ” “Yu Lin glanced at Chang Ca