
one guarding Xiaogang,

one guarding Xiaogang,
so stealing a boat is not a problem.” Hearing the young man’s sudden smile, the skinny man said: “Li Sheng, it seems that you have wanted to escape for a long time, right?”
“Of course, if I can A person turns into a hundred and eighty petals, and all of them can sail a large ship. They have stolen the ship and left long ago…” Zhang Lisheng sighed, “That’s true, but it is actually very difficult to make up your mind. After all, it concerns your own little life. Life, if this kind of thing is discovered, there is only one way to die.”
/Chapter 423: The Role of the ‘Navigator’
When Zhang Lisheng was talking to the skinny man, all the prisoners had already escaped from their cages, and naturally gathered in one Next to a middle-aged man with a square nose and wide mouth. “That is our captain Anduqi, one of the best navigators from Bai Feili Trading Company in Venice City.” Seeing that his companions had escaped, the skinny man pointed at the middle-aged man not far away and asked Zhang Lisheng in a slightly weird tone. said.
“I don’t care what kind of navigator or captain he is. The most important thing now is to escape. Let them stop standing around and follow my footsteps.” The young man curled his lips and turned around and walked quietly into the depths of the jungle.
In Zhang Lisheng’s heart, the people on land behind him should have died in the sea long ago when they encountered a shipwreck. Since their lives were saved by the Wuli tribe he created, the lives of these people naturally no longer belong to them but to their own. It was a matter of course that all he had was consumed by him as a stepping stone to obtain the navigation map of the Hell Sea.
If he hadn’t been worried that the long-standing hatred between the landmen and the Hellmen might make these people choose to die rather than surrender, and the damaged nautical chart that was seized freed less than one-tenth of the entire Hell Sea, he would have already used it. These guys were tortured with cruel methods to complete the chart.
Now that we have chosen to ‘take a long time to catch the big fish’, these stepping stones are of great use before we achieve our goal. All the young people slowed down their pace very considerately, so that the land people can see themselves as clearly as possible in the dark jungle. The figure walks more smoothly and safely.
Unfortunately, even though his feet had slowed down time and time again, the prisoners who had finally escaped were still accidentally injured in the forest, and their ankles were injured by tree roots. He fell down and broke his arm, more and more people were injured, and finally the entire team came to a standstill.
At this time, a fat woman timidly suggested: “Light a torch, adults. No, if we don’t light a torch, we can’t get out of this jungle at all.” ”
/Light a torch, you want to become A target for the Hellmen to throw their guns at?” Although the idea of ??letting these escapees light torches and walk well has long been on their mind. But Zhang Lisheng