
his face: “During the investigation of the case, the investigators often violated the investigation procedures stipulated by the law. Heavy crackdowns and neglect of protection , the idea of ??emphasizing substance and ignoring procedure still exists. Torture to extract confessions still occurs from time to time. Although the phenomenon of violent torture of suspects is subject to certain restrictions, tactics of wheel fighting, fatigue fighting, and disguised corporal punishment are common. There are also some case handling units in pursuit of the detection rate. , technical investigation methods are used at will, and there is often a phenomenon of completing legal procedures first and then supplementing them, or even not supplementing legal procedures. There are also some case-handling units that abuse coercive measures, such as criminal detention, residential surveillance, bail pending trial, etc. If the suspect fails to explain the facts, They will be placed under residential surveillance until they fully explain the facts before being transferred to criminal detention. For some people whose circumstances are obviously minor and often do not constitute a crime, driven by interests, they are often released on bail pending trial in order to obtain corresponding bail pending trial funds.”

his face: “During the investigation of the case, the investigators often violated the investigation procedures stipulated by the law. Heavy crackdowns and neglect of protection , the idea of ??emphasizing substance and ignoring procedure still exists. Torture to extract confessions still occurs from time to time. Although the phenomenon of violent torture of suspects is subject to certain restrictions, tactics of wheel fighting, fatigue fighting, and disguised corporal punishment are common. There are also some case handling units in pursuit of the detection rate. , technical investigation methods are used at will, and there is often a phenomenon of completing legal procedures first and then supplementing them, or even not supplementing legal procedures. There are also some case-handling units that abuse coercive measures, such as criminal detention, residential surveillance, bail pending trial, etc. If the suspect fails to explain the facts, They will be placed under residential surveillance until they fully explain the facts before being transferred to criminal detention. For some people whose circumstances are obviously minor and often do not constitute a crime, driven by interests, they are often released on bail pending trial in order to obtain corresponding bail pending trial funds.”
“Comrades, Tell me, how to solve these problems?” Meng Weidong took over the conversation, his sharp eyes swept over, and finally stopped at Bao Shuangping.
Han Bo was talking about criminal police. This phenomenon does not exist in other police types.
/Bao Shuangping was angrily stared at and was about to say something when Deputy Director Jiang Xueren suddenly said: “Secretary Meng, I have something to report. The driver who hit Lao Yang has been shouting in the detention center for the past two days to see him. The prosecutor stationed in the office clamored to find a lawyer, saying that some police officers tortured him to extract a confession, injured him, and needed to have his injuries examined.” ”
He killed me, a first-class hero in the national public security system, a drug control veteran with many military exploits. Hero, he still dares to cry out for injustice?” Meng Weidong, the driver, got angry when he mentioned it, and patted the table, “Besides, the facts of his case are clear, the evidence is conclusive, and there are witnesses. Who will torture him to extract a confession, and who needs to torture him? To force a confession?”
“Who did it?”
A solid case was actually solved like this. The more Meng Weidong thought about it, the more angry he became. He turned sideways and asked: “Comrade Han Bo, you were responsible after Lao Huang and I left that day. Do you know?”
“Report ? Secretary Meng, this thing really happened.”
Han Bo stared at the livid Bao Shuangping and asked calmly: “Bureau Bao, the sacrifice of Comrade Yang Wenjin is not a trivial matter. The Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Department are all watching. Secretary Lin is here to pay homage to Yang Wenjin. My comrade also s