
years after acquiring Starbucks, the company has grown into a behemoth.

years after acquiring Starbucks, the company has grown into a behemoth.
Today, the market value on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange exceeds US$7 billion. As its monthly turnover continues to increase, its market value is still increasing.
/It has increased sixty or seventy times in two to three years. I have to say that this is a terrifying rate of return!
At present, Starbucks has more than 5,000 directly-operated stores and more than 20,000 sales points. There is no room for development in the domestic market in the United States, and occasionally directly-operated stores close.
However, closing does not mean that the market value is reduced. It is just a normal elimination of bad stores and reduction of expenses, which is beneficial to the development of the company.
Almost all of the more than 100 stores that closed last year were in the United States, because the existence of small sales points squeezed too much market space.
Starbucks is currently busy expanding overseas, including in several first-tier cities in China.
But nowadays, undoubtedly only a few people can afford a cup of coffee worth tens of yuan, so on the streets of Huaxia, there are people holding cups of coffee with complacent expressions and taking pictures in the store.
Never mind, they are really rich.
After spring arrives, the temperature on the West Coast rises rapidly.
The sky in the morning was very blue, the sun was halfway up in the sky, and it was another beautiful sunny day.
After breakfast, Han Xuan left the villa next to Lake Washington. At this moment, Han Xuan had arrived at the Starbucks headquarters in the suburbs of Seattle.
The newly picked coffee beans shipped from Brazil this autumn are being fermented and roasted in these huge factories. The charming smell of coffee is in the air and can be smelled several kilometers away.
Dark green trucks are constantly busy in and out, delivering products to all parts of the country, or to the terminal in Victoria Harbor, where they are packed and shipped to Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and other places.
As soon as the machine started moving, money poured in.
From last year to now, they have increased Han Xuan’s net worth by more than 3 billion U.S. dollars. Of course, I am very happy to be here.
Countless coffee beans shuttle through the transparent pipes, mixed with the roar of the machine.
After looking at the hygiene situation and the mental state of the employees, they left the workshop and headed to the newly built office building with satisfaction.
/At that time, Schultz executive suggested building the factory in Brazil, where it could save a lot of costs by being close to the source of raw materials.
However, Han Xuan did not agree. He wanted people to visit the coffee kingdom in person and create brand value. Therefore, with the successive renovations in the past two years, the environment around the factory has been made very clean.
This sudden arrival, Han Xuan did not contact Schultz in advance.
When he was standing at the door of his office, h