
initely take the gamble.

initely take the gamble.
Gu Wenyuan turned his head and looked at the young man who was also surrounded by the crowd. Ji Su was standing next to him, head raised slightly, with pure eyes and a soft smile. All her attention was focused on Wen Liang, and she never looked over again.
You will regret this! Will!
/Wen Liang was not in the mood to compete with Gu Wenyuan at this time, and asked in a low voice: “Zhihe, is it so bad to make such a big deal? There is a teacher here, be careful to grab your pigtails.”
/Liu Zhihe was holding a small notebook and spitting. Calculating the profit, he said without raising his head: “The teachers have all gone to the county town for dinner, and there are not many left here. Don’t worry, I can’t make any mistakes in my work. Besides, there are not many people betting, only more than sixty. The teacher Can’t hear the wind.”
Sixty is not much? Are you planning to open a casino and let Liu Tianlai kill his relatives for justice?
“The odds are 1:1.5, boss. If we win, we will gain both fame and fortune. We will earn at least more than a thousand yuan.”
Wen Liang turned around and looked at the crooked handwriting on the small notebook, which was full of Liu Zhihe’s style. I can’t understand the password language at all, and it’s hard for him to figure out the final profit rate with so much effort. He is really specialized in this industry, so I won’t accept it!
Wen Liang was very speechless: “Mom, you have the nerve to accept 50 cents? Is this how much support you have for us?”
“Brother, We are students, and if the threshold is lower, we can expand the audience. Besides, don’t look down on 50 cents. If you operate it well, you can get 200% profit.”
“What does 2:00:5 mean?”
“Well, someone just bet us 50 cents to beat us to win. 2 represents the team, which is us!”
Two crooked big characters and three scarlet exclamation marks echoed in the air as Ren Yi ran. The battle flag was fluttering, and endless passion arose wherever it passed. Ning Xiaoning, who was as cold as snow, gentle and generous Ji Su, naughty and cute Meng Ke, and even the always quiet Ye Meng were aroused by Ren Yi and followed. He waved the clothes in his hands behind him, shouting that Wen Liang will win!
Fifty cents turns into one dollar and a half, what’s there to be proud of? Wen Liang was too lazy to pay attention to this guy, so he discussed with Zhang Song about choosing someone. His own network of friends at school was too narrow, so he could only use Liu Zhihe’s circle to find some suitable people. First of all, the body must be strong, the arms are long and strong, and the water ability is good; secondly, the coordination must be good, the reaction is fast enough, and the person has rowed a boat before; and finally, all actions must be obeyed. After asking around, there were not many people who met these three conditions. It was difficult to find three, and with Wen Liang, Liu Zhihe, and Zhang Song, they could barely form a team.
Xu Yao pointed at Liu Zhihe and asked doubtfully: “Can he