
internal regulations and will no longer admit new people, let alone you. There is only 100 million. The number is too small and there is no possibility of convincing everyone, so I say, I’m sorry!”

internal regulations and will no longer admit new people, let alone you. There is only 100 million. The number is too small and there is no possibility of convincing everyone, so I say, I’m sorry!”
Lei Fang woke up only when a beep came from the phone, and his right hand dropped weakly, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. Wen Liang sat aside and turned a deaf ear to Lei Fang’s personal attack just now. He opened another bottle of Erguotou, filled his cup, and asked, “How was it?”
/Lei Fang shook his head and said sadly, “It’s really over. ”
/Normally Lei Fang is also a very strict man. The reason why he is so out of character today is because he has too many illusions about this speculation. Not only did he risk all his money to borrow funds, but he also carried 10 million in interest. , just want to get a piece of the economic crisis that has not happened in decades, and then return home in glory, sweeping away the decline and aggrievedness after leaving Hengsha Mining.
However, it’s all over!
At the same time, Ning Xi suddenly descended to Guanshan and brought three top accountants to check Bencao Ruolan’s accounts. As a result, it was found that some of the funds flowed to unknown places, so she planned to withdraw her capital and leave. When the news reached Gu Shitong’s ears, he was overjoyed and purchased Ning Xi’s shares at a high price, trying to control Materia Medica Ruolan as a major shareholder. Unlike Lei Fang, Ning Xi had no interest in cash and asked for 20% of Minghua Group’s shares in exchange. Gu Shitong also wanted to use Ning Xi’s power and readily agreed. Seeing that he was unable to save his life, Wen Liang had no choice but to sell his shares to Gu Shitong after some overt and covert negotiations, completely defeating Maicheng and handing over the Materia Medica Ruolan he had created.
, misfortunes never come singly. When Wen Liang was saying goodbye, he convened a meeting with the five regional managers and middle-level and above leaders to prepare to take away the team, leaving Gu Shitong with an empty frame. Unexpectedly, Fan Bo led the betrayal and led everyone into In Gu Shitong’s arms, only Miao Qingyan stood on Wen Liang’s side. Gu Shitong also appeared at the venue at this time, making eye contact with Wen Liang, and finally watched his biggest enemy leave with a satisfied smile.
Gu Shitong’s Minghua Group actually did not have that much money to acquire Materia Medica Ruolan, of which 500 million was raised by itself, another 1 billion was signed through a gambling agreement with overseas institution Morgan Stanley through McKinsey’s Huazhidiao, and another 500 million was signed. Ningxi Minghua Group was granted 20% of its shares through equity conversion.
Minghua Group suddenly gained momentum. After a long period of active preparation, it was finally successfully listed on Mingzhu in June 1998, the eve of Wenliang’s college entrance examination. In view of the excellent performance of Materia Medica Ruolan, the stock price soared. Ning Xi sold out her Mi