
y in an impressive manner.

y in an impressive manner.
Qi Shu let out a burst of clear laughter, swayed her waist and took the materials back to sit down. The posture of her legs crossed made people have the urge to open up her skirt and explore it. Seeing that she hadn’t broken through Ji Zheng’s psychological defense, Mu Zechen smiled in his heart. This man could not hold his breath.
/“Director Ji, you are a cultural person. Do you know how many years you will be sentenced for corruption and bribery alone for an amount of more than 500,000 yuan?”
Ji Zheng said quietly: “This is all a frame-up.”
Qi Shu shook the materials in his hand. , making a clattering sound, and said softly: “Director Ji, you are a smart man, and I am not afraid to explain it clearly to you. Don’t tell me nonsense about false accusations or not. Based on the current situation, the evidence chain It has been basically perfected. Even if they can’t get your confession, the prosecutor can still file an indictment. You are also a person who has been in Qingzhou for many years. You have always heard the saying, ‘The eldest master is the king of Qingzhou’. Some people are determined to take it. To punish you, what’s the use of just one false accusation?”
Ji Zheng pondered for a moment and said, “Yuan Dazhu? Can he even tempt Mr. Mu?”
Qi Shu clapped his hands, and the door of the suite inside was closed. Pushing aside, a man walked out, with a round head, big ears, and a fat head. It was Yuan Dazhu, the current director of Qinghua Chemical Plant.
Ji Zheng, who was well aware of Mu Zechen’s energy, was not surprised to see Yuan Dazhu here. A friendly smile appeared on Guo Zi’s face and said: “Director Yuan, I haven’t seen you for a week, but your face is still glowing. Is it any good? Take care of your brother?”
/Yuan Dazhu saw that he was already in this situation and still looked like he needed a beating, so he said grimly: “It seems that he is still quite angry, Mr. Mu, how about we come back in a few days?”
Qi Shu stood up, pulled Yuan Dazhu to sit down, and said with a sweet smile: “Director Yuan, calm down, Director Ji, don’t be impulsive. Who is right and who is wrong will be revealed soon.”
Yuan Dazhu sneered. : “Director Ji, you were the one who invited the diners to the private room on the third floor half a month ago, right? What did you discuss with Xiaobo that time? Don’t think I don’t know! Let me tell you, I am not afraid of the shadow of my body. , Good people have their own destiny. If He Xiaobo hadn’t secretly come to me to expose it, I really wouldn’t have thought that you usually nod and bow like a grandson, but you are plotting to kill people behind your back. You really have a way, ah?”
Hearing He Xiaobo This name, even though Ji Zheng had been smiling and talking as usual since he entered the house, was struck by this and his face went numb. He never thought that He Xiaobo, his good brother for more than ten years, who was also marginalized in the Qinghua Chemical Factory, would betray him?
But he still said calmly: “Oh, it turns out i