
dea how many things have gone through his mind. He walked around in circles and said with a smile: “Yan Jize is not from Wu Wenyue, so he doesn’t have to be a pawn to give my father eye drops. To be more precise, he only relied on his personal ability to work hard in the education system for decades. The deputy director of the provincial department, otherwise he could have reached the position of director ten years earlier with his level. Why would he be given a comforting deputy director level when he was about to retire?”

dea how many things have gone through his mind. He walked around in circles and said with a smile: “Yan Jize is not from Wu Wenyue, so he doesn’t have to be a pawn to give my father eye drops. To be more precise, he only relied on his personal ability to work hard in the education system for decades. The deputy director of the provincial department, otherwise he could have reached the position of director ten years earlier with his level. Why would he be given a comforting deputy director level when he was about to retire?”
Ye Yuting curled her lips and said: “Two Official fans, are you tired of discussing these things every day? Yuxi, I know you don’t like to eat the food on the wine table, so I left some food for you. I’ll go and heat it up.” After saying that, he got up and went to the kitchen, leaving Yuxi He came over and sat in her seat, with his legs curled up in the same way, and his hands gently hanging down the beautiful legs wrapped in stockings. He shouted at Ye Yuting’s back: “I’ll just have some porridge. If you have any pickles, I’ll get some pickles.
” Zuo Yuxi seemed to respect Yan Jize very much, and only then did Wen Liang confirm that he might have really thought too much. From Qingzhou to the capital, from officialdom to shopping malls, I have experienced so many intrigues and intrigues during this period that I have almost formed a conditioned reflex. I think deeply when I think about things. In fact, many times, there may not be so many traps and traps. .
“Yan Jize is a very upright person, and he has the least regard for rubbish. This time, the provincial department sent five supervision teams to various places to investigate and guide the work of ‘converting private citizens to public servants.’ It can be said that the road he led is the least popular among the people below. Many people People call him ‘King of Yama’ in private, for fear of being picked on, and being criticized or inspected is a trivial matter. If he is vetoed by one vote, it will be a huge loss!” ”
/Veto by one vote?”
“Yes. , this time ‘people-to-public’ transfer is one of the public support projects promoted by Wu Wenyue personally. Zhang Wugu, director of the Provincial Department of Education, is his confidant, and he is still exerting pressure on cities and counties desperately? The documents have been released, who is doing the ‘people-to-people transfer’ There was a problem during the public process. The slightest disqualification for various annual awards was disqualified, and the most serious was that the black gauze hat was directly removed from the head.” ”
Oh, it turned out to be Boss Wu’s handiwork, no wonder!”
Private teachers are a problem left over from history. By the 1990s, it had reached a point where it had to be solved. But how to solve it and to what extent it should be solved, the Ministry of Education did not have a clear plan. Instead, it asked each province to gradually cut off this burden year by year based on their own actual conditions. In the previous life, the methods in various