
tary Xu’s recent stay in the province There are more than in Qingzhou, and I haven’t had time to review them yet. This also made Yang Yixing’s mind become anxious in worrying about gains and losses. He is a person who has lost everything. He shudders when he thinks of that deserted situation in the cold world, so once there is an opportunity, he will seize it at all costs!

tary Xu’s recent stay in the province There are more than in Qingzhou, and I haven’t had time to review them yet. This also made Yang Yixing’s mind become anxious in worrying about gains and losses. He is a person who has lost everything. He shudders when he thinks of that deserted situation in the cold world, so once there is an opportunity, he will seize it at all costs!
No matter what!
/As soon as Wen Liang finished school that day, he saw an unexpected person waiting outside the school gate. But thinking about it carefully, it was also expected. I would have to deal with Yang Datou frequently in Yishan in the future, and my identity would not be hidden for long. In this case, it is better to get some relief as soon as possible.
The two found a nearby restaurant. As soon as the ordering waiter left, Yang and his party went straight to the point and said, “I heard from Zuo Bureau that Mr. Wen wants to do some business in Yishan?”
Wen Liang had already guessed that it was Zuo Yuxi. Give him a clear voice, otherwise Yang and his party would not come to the door today, he smiled and said: “I don’t know how to do business, but I have a friend who recently resigned and wanted to do some small business. I wonder if Secretary Yang has any opportunities? ”
The call of “Secretary Yang” made Yang Yixing elated. He was originally a strong-minded person, but he was frightened by the huge gap between the ups and downs, and acted impatiently: “It’s easy to say, Yishan is rich in resources and manpower is cheap. , Agricultural products and aquatic products rank first in Qingzhou. Whether you want to engage in transportation or contracting, it is a good business.”
“What if you want to build a water plant?”
Yang and his party have indeed done their homework. Why? “There is a mineral spring in Yishan. The water plant, however, is not selling well and the market competition is too fierce. It is about to close down. If your friend is determined to do this, I am afraid…”
Wen Liang smiled slightly: “Since the local water plant in Yishan is in a downturn, my friend Lang Youqing is interested in entering this industry, so why don’t we all sit down and discuss the possibility of acquisition. Secretary Yang, what do you think?”
Yang and his party couldn’t figure out Wen Liang’s thoughts and hesitated a little. If he agrees, but loses money in business in the future, who knows whether this person will settle the score later? However, this is the first time for everyone to cooperate. If Wen Liang insists, he will have to find a way to do things beautifully, otherwise he will be kicked off the ship before he even gets on the ship, which will really kill him.
“Sure, if the organization really I was arranged to work in Yishan, and everything was done according to Mr. Wen’s wish. Although the water plant is collectively owned, it has suffered such a loss, so being able to buy it is also a good thing for the people of Yishan.” Naturally, everyone was happy with
/the result, and Yang and his party were satisfied After receivi