
e seen to the bottom.

e seen to the bottom.
“Why?” Ye Qingfeng remained motionless, looking expressionlessly at the girl in front of him who was very familiar to him but now very strange, or to be more precise, a woman!
“I’m sorry, please forget about me.” Zhang Li shrugged her shoulders, covered her mouth, and finally started crying.
Zhang Li’s crying and her words “I’m sorry” extinguished the last glimmer of hope in Ye Qingfeng’s heart. The overwhelming hatred and incomparable humiliation were like a volcano erupting in my heart. Ye Qingfeng gritted his teeth and stared at the crying Zhang Li, yelling:
“Who is he? Tell me who he is?”
But Zhang Li shook his head, said nothing, and cried quietly.
/“Who is he? Tell me who he is? I’ll kill him!” Ye Qingfeng roared with rage, rushed to Zhang Li, grabbed Zhang Li’s shoulders, and shook her violently.
Zhang Li bit her lip and remained silent, letting Ye Qingfeng shake her roughly. Her slender figure was shaken here and there, like a small tree blown by the strong wind.
Because of the thick shade of trees, “Wild Boar Forest” is the first choice place for men and women outside C to fall in love. During the day, many people also like to read and study here. Ye Qingfeng’s sudden madness immediately attracted the attention and sideways glances of many people nearby. Ye Qingfeng turned a blind eye to this and roared over and over again, asking Zhang Li if she had betrayed him? Who is that wild man?
But all he got was Zhang Li’s lips that she bit tightly!
“Female cousin! You’re a vanity-loving, money-minded bitch! I was really blind when I fell in love with you in the first place!” Seeing that Zhang Li never said anything and kept “protecting” that wild man he didn’t know, Ye Qingfeng was furious and lost his mind. He slapped Zhang Li hard on the face.
This slap directly stunned Zhang Li. She didn’t expect that the boy who had always been a bit weak in her eyes and who was so suppressed by his mother that he didn’t dare to express his anger would hit her, and he beat her without mercy, and it was so hard. Zhang Li felt the smell of blood coming out of her mouth, and she swallowed the saliva in her mouth. When Liu Chang told her at noon that Ye Qingfeng had been waiting for her all night last night, the joy and sweetness that Wang Bo brought to her disappeared and were replaced by confession and regret. She felt that she had done something wrong and was sorry for Ye Qingfeng. Although the two of them would break up sooner or later, they were not separated yet. She should not do that kind of thing with another man before they broke up.
However, with Ye Qingfeng’s merciless slap, the guilt, regret and pain in her heart were also wiped away by this slap. This slap in the face hurt her very much, unprecedented pain, and the other party’s irrational curses pierced her heart like a sharp knife. But whether the pain on the face or the pain in the heart, it all turned into a kind of relief in a short period of time.
Yes, a kind of freedom and ease that throws away the shackles and remov