
led sweetly.

led sweetly.
“Do you still want to say it?” Tian Xinze rolled his eyes at him with an annoyed look. Hitting means kissing, scolding means loving, Wang Bo naturally ignored it.
/After saying goodbye to the two girls, and even giving them a tight hug in front of everyone, Wang Bo walked up to Cheng Wenjin again and said with a smile: “Sister Wenjin, have a nice trip! I will come to Shuangqing often in the future. Look, Xiaoya misses you a lot.”
“I will, Xiaobo.” Cheng Wenjin smiled and nodded. As soon as she finished speaking, the boy in front of her hugged her into her arms, and at the same time, a subtle voice that probably only she could hear sounded in her ears, “Wenjin, besides Xiaoya, I miss you. With me, you can’t make enough money. Your health is the most important, so you must take care of yourself.” After saying that, Wang Bo got out of the way and turned around to tell the drivers of several cars.
Cheng Wenjin didn’t expect that Wang Bo would hug her in public, nor did she expect that this brat would say those words to her. She felt ashamed and angry, inexplicably nervous, and a trace of warmth and touch that even she was unwilling to admit.
Faced with Wang Bo’s special concern, Cheng Wenjin said nothing and just nodded with a calm expression. Of course, this was done for outsiders to see, but in her heart she wanted to use her boots to step on this kid who was neither big nor small, but also had an evil intention to kill herself, in order to relieve the “hatred in her heart”!
Cheng Wenjin, Fang You and Tian Xin finally left under the watch of Wang Bo, Liang Ya and more than a dozen of Wang Bo’s high school and college classmates.
After they left, Wang Bo’s classmates also started to hide away. Today is Sunday, but because New Year’s Day is a long holiday, with three consecutive days off, the holidays on Saturday and Sunday were moved to after New Year’s Day, so the school was officially in session yesterday and today. Everyone skipped class all morning and came to help cheer. It was just after lunch and they could still attend two classes when they returned. A group of friends are all freshmen and sophomores, and they are basically still as diligent and studious as they were in high school. They are not like the old fritters who are juniors and seniors, and they don’t take it seriously if they miss class for a day or two. It was difficult for Wang Bo to keep these people playing for a while.
At the station, he put a dozen people around him on the bus back to school, including Liang Ya and Zhong Jiahui.
Afterwards, Wang Bo started walking back to the apartment. Tomorrow is the last day of 2001, and it is also the day when C will hold a grand New Year’s Day party in the playground. For him in his previous life, it was the best and most meaningful day in the entire four years of college. At this time, his mind couldn’t help but fly to the big playground outside c, a winter night where the weather was cold, but his heart felt extremely warm.
However, he can’t leave now. Today is the opening d