
hat he immediately put countless complimentary words on his head. For his decisiveness, a fluttering leaf of paper solved all the problems and all the worries. And smug and overjoyed!

hat he immediately put countless complimentary words on his head. For his decisiveness, a fluttering leaf of paper solved all the problems and all the worries. And smug and overjoyed!
Wang Bo’s suspension of school and no longer appearing in the class, in Li Junfeng’s view, was that he had defeated his biggest competitor in the class, making him full of hope without much hope. Looking around, the entire Class 7, and even the entire senior year, Considering all the conditions and overall quality, who else is higher than Li Junfeng? Those with good grades are not as handsome as him; those who are more handsome than him are not as good as him; those who are taller than him are not as good as him! The beauties in the class, such as Sun Li, Zeng Siqi, and Liao Xiaoqing, were crazy about that dog/ri. During the rehearsal program, they were willing to let that dog/ri touch their hands, touch their backs, and hug them, wasn’t it? Judging from his good grades, is he a bit crooked?
Now it’s better, Nago/ri’s performance has seriously declined, and it will only be a few months later that his performance is surpassed by Guo Xiaoliang, Ding Xia and even himself. If his grades aren’t good enough and he can’t get into a prestigious university, let’s see if the pretty girl in the class will still fall in love with him and go crazy for that **** infatuation!
Anyway, Sun Li was looking very happy during this period, and her attitude towards herself seemed to have changed compared to before. She even smiled at herself when she saw her a few days ago.
Could it be that she is starting to like me?
Thinking of Sun Li’s flower-like smile, Li Junfeng couldn’t help but his heart jumped. It felt like there were a few goose feathers scratching all over his body, and his whole body was about to fly.
/At noon that day, while Sun Li was doing homework in the classroom, Li Junfeng called Sun Li outside the classroom and said he wanted to ask her a question.
“Li Junfeng, what’s going on?” Sun Li followed Li Junfeng to the sky corridor next to the classroom and said to Li Junfeng with a smile. The day before yesterday, Wang Bo came back from the capital of Shu and gave her a platinum earring studded with emeralds. Sun Li had been in a light and airy state for the past two days, as if all her bones were lighter.
Students in No. 4 Middle School, especially rural students whose homes are far away, do not go home at noon. Therefore, although most students choose to read books and do questions in the classroom at this time, there are still one or two who come out and wander around from time to time. Thinking of what he would say to Sun Li later, Li Junfeng felt that this corridor, where people were watching at all times, was not a good place to express love to a girl. Li Junfeng glanced at the radiant Sun Li, suppressed his increasingly faster heartbeat, and said,
“Sun Li, it’s still early, how about we go to the playground for a walk? I want to ask you a question It’s a bit complicated and a bit private, and it’s not suitable for more peop