
-stop to deal with filming for the TV station and interviews with reporters from various media. Then the Chinese New Year came within two days, and then from the first day of the first lunar month to Today is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month. Either he is visiting relatives and drinking spring wine, or he is holding a celebration banquet and a thank-you banquet at home. He is holding banquets and greeting guests from all walks of life. He has so many things to do, how can he have time to do his winter vacation homework? Cheng Wenjin doesn’t He almost forgot about mentioning it.

-stop to deal with filming for the TV station and interviews with reporters from various media. Then the Chinese New Year came within two days, and then from the first day of the first lunar month to Today is the fourteenth day of the first lunar month. Either he is visiting relatives and drinking spring wine, or he is holding a celebration banquet and a thank-you banquet at home. He is holding banquets and greeting guests from all walks of life. He has so many things to do, how can he have time to do his winter vacation homework? Cheng Wenjin doesn’t He almost forgot about mentioning it.
/“It’s already finished, Aunt Cheng. These are all small cases for me, not difficult at all. “Wang Bo told the lie without blinking an eye, and then planned to call his good friend Lin Wenjian in the afternoon and ask him to bring his homework, so he could make some temporary copies and take care of his errands. “Let’s go out for lunch, Aunt Cheng. Whatever you want to eat, I’ll treat you to it.
“Do you really want to invite me to anything? ” Delicacies from mountains and seas, ginseng and bird’s nest, too? “Cheng Wenjin opened a pair of red phoenix eyes that were no less beautiful than her daughter, and looked at Wang Bo’s face intently. She curled up the corner of her mouth with a smile, and her words suddenly changed into dialect.
“Yeah! Please ask for anything! “Wang Bo nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.
The smile on Cheng Wenjin’s face became even brighter, she pursed her lips vigorously and said, “Forget it this time. Next time. Next time when you earn royalties, Auntie will give you a good thumbs up. Xiaoya and your Uncle Liang are still at home waiting for me to go back and cook with them. ”
When Cheng Wenjin said this, Wang Bo knew that there was no chance of having lunch with him at noon, and he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. In this era, if he can find someone who has some common interests with him, The person who has hobbies and a common language is almost Cheng Wenjin. Every time we get along with each other, especially several separate meals, Cheng Wenjin is warm and generous, elegant and delicate, good at listening, and from time to time, she gives feedback full of female wisdom, and those It made him strongly agree with the world view and outlook on life, which made Wang Bo feel a kind of spiritual comfort and satisfaction.
In terms of individual communication, Cheng Wenjin, the mother of his girlfriend, is the person he wants to communicate with most at present.
“Oh, Then next time. “Wang Bo lowered his head and whispered, with obvious disappointment in his tone.
This expression in Cheng Wenjin’s eyes immediately made her smile, thinking to herself, he is really a child.
/Cheng Wenjin raised her hand, rubbed Wang Bo’s hair like she always did to her daughter, and said lovingly: “Okay, Xiaobo. Your kind intention is appreciated. Auntie also wants to follow you to eat well, but Xiaoya You and Uncle Liang will go hungry. You don’t want to see them starving, right?”
“Can you call Xiao