
will leave after signing and I will be back on the same day. This time can’t be like last time I’ll stay like that for a week, otherwise I won’t have to read this book anymore.” Wang Bo said cheerfully on the phone.

will leave after signing and I will be back on the same day. This time can’t be like last time I’ll stay like that for a week, otherwise I won’t have to read this book anymore.” Wang Bo said cheerfully on the phone.
After hanging up the phone, Wang Bo rode directly to the school and asked Liao Xiaoqing to take a day and a half of sick leave for him.
“Xiaoqing, I have something to do this afternoon and tomorrow. Please ask Lao Xiao for sick leave for me. Just say that I am going to Chengdu for review.” Wang Bo said to Liao Xiaoqing.
“Why, are you going to discuss business again?” Liao Xiaoqing said with a smile, the sadness in the morning was gone from his brows.
“Big business! Big business worth hundreds of millions!” Wang Bo said with great pride as he packed up the textbooks and stationery on the table.
Naturally, Liao Xiaoqing didn’t believe what he said, but he echoed his words and said, “Then I wish you a lot of money and immediate success!” ”
Yes! If my big business is really concluded, then I will A big gift for you! Bye, Xiaoqing, see you the day after tomorrow!” Wang Bo waved to his deskmate, hung his schoolbag on his shoulder, and left quickly.
After leaving school, Wang Bo did not go home directly, but went to the rice noodle shop first. Tian Xin was away and went to Guanghan to inspect the location of the new store. Wang Bo had to find his “godsister” Guan Ping and told Guan Ping about his upcoming business trip to Shenzhen City.
/“Are you going right away? Otherwise, let Sister Xin go with you when she comes back.” Guan Ping looked at Wang Bo with concern. Wang Bo’s last trip to the Shenzhen market made her frightened for a week.
“Shenzhen City is in a hurry and can’t wait any longer. Don’t worry, sister, I won’t stay that long this time. I’ll rest near Shuangliu Airport tonight and fly directly to Shenzhen City tomorrow morning. I’ll go there I just sign a few things and come back after signing. I will definitely be back tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I can have dinner with you.” Wang Bo comforted Guan Ping, “By the way, don’t tell me about my trip to Shenzhen City. Damn the old man and the others. Old people don’t know anything and worry about nothing.”
“Oh, that’s okay.” Guan Ping saw that Wang Bo had decided to leave and knew that she couldn’t change his decision, so she nodded, “ Then you want to call me tonight?! When you get to Shenzhen City tomorrow, you have to call me too, do you understand?” Guan Ping warned Wang Bo.
“No problem, sister! I’ll talk to you on the phone tonight. Then I’ll leave, and you can go do your work.” Wang Bo winked at Guan Ping, got on his bicycle, and left quickly.
The following is a brief introduction to the work:
A magical spirit appraisal card takes you on a tour of the world of famous paintings, ancient porcelain, pearls and jade, turning an ordinary college student into a treasure appraisal master.
A magical Polygonum multiflorum plant can promote the growth of all things. From then on, I planted flowers, raised fish, the Golden Queen o