
jury would have on him. After all, this was an experience he had never had before.

jury would have on him. After all, this was an experience he had never had before.
And don’t expect his teammates to give him too much help. If possible, the Lakers would not be in such a situation.
The lights at the venue began to dim and it was time for the opening ceremony.
The Battle of Tianwangshan is the home court of the Clippers, and the Lakers’ starter takes the lead.
Knight, Sun Hao, Carter, Battier, Hibbert.
Harris made an adjustment in Tianwangshan and put Millsap on the bench.
This is not because he took the initiative to play some tricks, but because Crawford’s condition is really bad and he needs someone to step up and score in the transition period from the substitutes.
Moreover, replacing Battier has the advantage of widening the offensive space on the court and making Sun Hao face less defensive pressure.
Harris did the best he could.
/For the Clippers, Sun Yue, Kobe, Artest, Gasol, and Howard are the regular starting five.
The Clippers are still very lucky this year. Both Kobe and Howard are still healthy in the shortened season.
After the opening ceremony, the game started quickly.
Sun Hao’s playing style has not changed much from the previous games. He still plays for his teammates first.
The result this time wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either.
Carter’s condition is still average, but Battier’s touch is very good, which gives the Lakers a very good offensive space.
However, facing an opponent of the Clippers’ level, this help is obviously not enough.
After five minutes of play, the Lakers trailed the Clippers by 7 points, 6-13.
Moreover, old Dunleavy is rich in experience and without Millsap, many of the Clippers’ offenses are directed toward the basket.
Although Battier has rich defensive experience, he has the size of the third position. Not to mention the misplacement of Howard, even carrying Gasol in the low post is very difficult.
Hibbert’s slow movement speed is also completely exposed at this time, and he often loses sight of one thing.
In a word, if you play against an opponent of the Clippers’ caliber and you can’t perform well on the offensive end, you can’t win by relying on defense.
After Carter missed Sun Hao’s pass again, Sun Hao started his personal offensive mode in the next round.
/The first thing he tried was the outside attack.
For him, with a wrist injury, an offense that minimizes dribbling is best.
For a pitcher, the wrist has the greatest impact on shooting, because it directly determines the parabolic trajectory of your ball.
This already shows the condition of his hand tonight.
This is different from the previous situation, because the impact of injuries cannot be adjusted back within the system.
A beautiful change of direction and a dodge, after confronting Gasol, he gritted his teeth and turned sideways to hit the ball into the basket.
His technique is still flawless, but the strain on his wrists has also increased exponentially.
The camera showed that when Sun Hao retreated from defense, he unconsciously pinch