
son was that Sun Hao played with an injury.

son was that Sun Hao played with an injury.
After just over half a month of rest, Sun Hao went to prepare for the Olympics again, and then came the Olympics, all the way without stopping.
Although there are no news reports from the outside world, Sun Hao’s wrist injury must have affected him.
But under such circumstances, Sun Hao led his team to do it without saying anything.
What is masculinity, probably!
Yao Ming made a determination in his heart. No matter how difficult it was or how strong the opponent was, he would help Sun Hao win another championship in Los Angeles.
The Olympic Games have come to an end, the most important thing of this year’s rough season is over, and the new season is not far away.
At this time, the Lakers completed the signing of the last person.
Their quota was given to “connected person” Laga Bell.
This is really related. When Sun Hao was with the Warriors, Sun Hao was the reason why the Warriors signed Bell.
Bell did not perform well with the Warriors last season, especially his outside touch was sluggish. The Warriors did not execute the draft in the last year of his contract, and Bell also became a free agent.
The 36-year-old 3D guard also missed the most important shot, which means that the 3 and D are gone, so he has never found a home.
/The Lakers finally gave Bell, saying that it would improve his playoff experience, but it was mostly because of Sun Hao.
In fact, anyone can tell that the Lakers’ current rotation is enough.
The lineup is determined, and then it’s time to welcome the upcoming new season.
This year’s free market is turbulent and many teams’ lineups have undergone major changes. This has also attracted much attention on ESPN’s strength prediction list for the new season.
The final list is as follows:
1. Warriors
We have many reasons to put other teams in this position, but we also have more reasons to put the Warriors in this position.
As a dynasty team, they have maintained their core lineup and the overall strength of their players is still on the rise. They will still be the strongest team in the new season.
Maybe as Kevin Durant said, they really should thank Sun for turning this team into a truly invincible team.
The expected starting lineup for the new season: Curry, Klay Thompson, Durant, Ibaka, Oden.
2. The Knicks.
The addition of Hibbert solved their weakest inside link, while the addition of Kidd made up for the playoff experience and court control they needed most.
It is worth mentioning that Kidd now has a good three-point shot, and he is more suitable to partner with James than he was at his peak.
The expected starting lineup for the new season: Kidd, Wade, Anthony, James, Hibbert.
3. Lakers
Both teams in Los Angeles are qualified to appear in this position, but in the end the Lakers are better because the combination of Yao and Sun is so exciting.
/If it weren’t for the existence of the first two super teams, the Lakers should be ranked higher.
The expected starting lineup for the new season: Sun Ha