
ow, their hope of entering the finals is still high.

ow, their hope of entering the finals is still high.
The results weren’t great, but they weren’t bad either.
Of course, Jordan was all smiles. He had succeeded in pretending, so his trip was worth it.
/After the Wizards, the Suns came next.
The Suns have Nash, but it turns out that this game is a team sport.
The Suns were not as lucky as the Wizards. They wasted too much time at the top of the key and in the right corner.
And when they finally reached midfield, it took them more time than the Wizards to hit a long three-pointer.
As a result, the three people used their strength to finish the game in 1 minute and 23 seconds.
This is also the longest time Shooting Star has taken since its creation.
The fans at the scene couldn’t stop laughing.
Even Nash himself was having fun.
It seems that he is not suitable for this project, so we have to let Marion come next time.
After the Suns are the Magic.
The Magic have Arenas and perform better than the Suns.
After the Magic, the happiest team is the Wizards.
Because it means they have reached the finals.
Arenas and the Magic players set their sights on the upcoming Lakers.
Because whether they can reach the finals depends entirely on the performance of the Lakers.
As the defending champion, the Lakers have added Sun Hao, and the fans’ expectations are naturally high.
When they came on stage, there were already bursts of cheers.
“LeBron, you should participate in this.”
Wade turned to James in the front row of the audience and said.
Anthony on the other side nodded.
The relationship between the 03 generation is still very good.
James smiled and shook his head.
He is smart and knows what to do and what not to do.
He is sure of the slam dunk contest, so let’s talk about the next topic for this shooting star.
“Yi, how many times do you think Sun can hit a midfield three-pointer?”
Wade turned to Yi Jianlian and asked Yi Jianlian.
After Yi Jianlian’s personality became more cheerful, he got along well with the 03 generation.
Otherwise, he would not have been able to get 20+10 data yesterday.
In a performance competition, popularity is as important as strength.
“One time.”
Yi Jianlian said and made a “1” gesture.
“Oh! Oh!”
After hearing this, Anthony couldn’t help but look at Yi Jianlian.
/What he said was that he was too confident in Sun Hao.
“I know him very well.”
Yi Jianlian explained with a smile.
Yi Jianlian and Sun Hao trained together and played national team games together.
James didn’t speak, but he bit his fingernails and looked at the court.
Even for Sun Hao, it is very difficult to hit with one hit.
On the court, the Lakers’ shooting star has already started.
Tina Thompson and Johnson were responsible for the two starting closers.
Thompson succeeded in one shot, but Johnson didn’t feel very good tonight and took three shots to score.
Fortunately, when Sun Hao reached the top of the arc, Sun Hao hit the target with one hit and regained the time.
Then with a three-pointer from the ri