
generals either neatly or hurriedly brought their horses and followed Cao Cao.

generals either neatly or hurriedly brought their horses and followed Cao Cao.
So, Cao Cao rode in front, slashed left and right with the Heavenly Sword, splitting the surrounding fog one by one, and rushed towards the outside of the formation. However, Cao Cao soon discovered that no matter which direction he broke through, he would eventually return to Lord Qingtian. After being spared several times, Cao Cao finally couldn’t help but became furious, “Xu Shu, why is this!?”
Xu Shu respectfully replied: “Prime Minister, I don’t know.”
“Damn it!”
At this moment, a wonderful sound of the piano suddenly came with the wind and lingered in everyone’s ears. At first glance, I felt that this song was majestic and vast, and it was indeed a famous song that is rare in the world. But if you listen carefully, everyone present is very human, and they immediately heard the mystery in this song.
Xu Chu roared loudly, his voice as loud as a tiger’s, “This is a sound-killing technique, don’t listen!”
But the voice was right next to his ears, so why didn’t he just listen? At that moment, several golden-armored tiger and leopard knights spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and twitched, and several generals with weaker martial arts also staggered.
When Cao Cao saw it, his face became ashen as water, “Such a distant piece of music still has such power, then aren’t the other soldiers from Soochow, where are so many strange people and strangers?”
Cheng Yu said: “Prime Minister, if you want to break this music, you can actually kill it.” It’s not difficult. We only need to ring bells and drums and interfere with noise to break it. It’s a pity that we are all trapped here and the army has lost its command. I wonder how many people can come up with this method. Alas!”
Cao Cao turned around. He glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice: “Who can break it?!”
/At this time, the man in purple next to Xu Shu sighed. He clearly saw the fierce light in Cao Cao’s eyes, and thought to himself: “If you don’t show up, I’m afraid You will definitely suffer a crime when you go back. Alas!” Then he rode his horse out slowly, cupped his hands and said: “Prime Minister, Zhongda is not talented, please give me a try.”
By the way, Yin Kuang rushed into the “Bagua Formation” and was immediately rushed towards him. The thick fog confused his eyes, and he subconsciously waved his hand. Not to mention, the thick fog was really blown away. But when Yin Kuang saw the scene in front of him clearly, his expression suddenly changed!
In front of us, we are surrounded by green mountains and lush green trees. There are green grasses all over the ground under the mountain, and the sky is full of white clouds. In the plain below the mountain, a meandering river passes through the fields. In the fields, several farmers are bending down to work. On the mountainside, houses are built against the mountain, with smoke curling up from the kitchens.
How familiar it is here!
“This is Liuliulong Village.” Yin Kuang walked in a daze and mutt