

Yin Kuang murmured and shot the zombie “beauty” again. With one shot, Yin Kuang didn’t pull the trigger until it was ten meters away from him.
The zombie “beauty” raised her head and then fell down.
Yin Kuang carefully looked around and found that there were no other zombies. Then he bent down and dragged the corpse of the zombie “beauty” into the cold and dark alley.
Umbrella company camp, command center.
“Sir! It’s connected.”
Somewhere in Nancheng District, Raccoon City, in front of a public telephone booth.
The blond technician raised his head, shook his golden shiny seaweed hair, and said to the director of the Umbrella Company’s Raccoon City branch.
“Very good, honey.” The supervisor took a wireless Bluetooth sleeve and put it on his ear. He looked at the unusually young “Chinese international student” on the computer screen and said faintly: “Children from China, or Mr. Agent from China, You seem to have something to say to me.”
When the public phone finally rang, Yin Kuang knew that he had not been waving in front of the surveillance camera for nearly 20 minutes in vain, and was almost wandered by. The zombies were “lucky”.
/Yin Kuang picked up the phone and originally wanted to say hello in the poor accent he learned from his English teacher, but the other party spoke first. When Yin Kuang was stunned for a long time and finally understood what the person on the other end of the phone meant, he couldn’t help but shed a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, “Me? Agent? Is that person’s head funny? I’m like this Yes, even an ordinary worker may not be able to be an agent.
So, Yin Kuang said: “Madam, no, sir, you made a mistake. I am not an agent. I am just an international student.” It was the first time to communicate with foreigners, and it was In English, Yin Kuang was a little nervous and confused “Mr.” and “Ms.”
“” The other party was silent for a moment, obviously not used to Yin Kuang’s poor English, “Okay. No matter who you are, tell me your purpose.”
If he was just an ordinary person, the supervisor would not pay attention to him at all. . However, he was one of the group of “Chinese students” who caused heavy losses to the “Black Snake mercenaries”. Therefore, he couldn’t help but be a little curious about what this Chinese boy, who was probably no more than 20 years old, wanted to do with him.
“I want pure T-virus solution.” Yin Kuang stated his purpose directly. In fact, he also knows that foreigners don’t like to beat around the bush, they speak very directly and to the point. At the same time, Yin Kuang also likes to be straightforward.
“What? What did you say?” The supervisor already felt that he was being fooled. He suddenly had the urge to crush the wireless Bluetooth on his ears. “Boy, your joke is not funny at all. And you chose the wrong person to joke with. . Although I admire you guys for being able to teach Black Snake a lesson, it doesn’t mean that I can tolerate your stupidity.”
Yin Kuang knew that the other party was about to hang up the phone