
g to hand over.” Pan Longtao said: “I’m afraid we will be laughed at by then.” Wang Ning, who was following the crowd without any presence, also let out a cold laugh. Yin Kuang said: “Don’t be anxious for now, can you just listen to what I have to say?”

g to hand over.” Pan Longtao said: “I’m afraid we will be laughed at by then.” Wang Ning, who was following the crowd without any presence, also let out a cold laugh. Yin Kuang said: “Don’t be anxious for now, can you just listen to what I have to say?”
/Everyone was quiet, and Yin Kuang continued: “Don’t forget our main purpose this time. It is not to collect reward points, but to find some suitable people. , included in our class. Don’t forget, there are only 12 people in our class, while the other two excellent classes have 30. The class joint examination will be held in 20 days. In terms of number of people alone, we will lose. If we put The people in the ordinary class are so offended, who else is willing to join us? Even if someone joins for the benefit of the special class, can we trust it? Then it is better to just have 12 of us.” “But,
even if we don’t If you offend them, will the people who join in be trustworthy?” Bai Lu asked. Yin Kuang said: “But at least we have the initiative. In the absence of absolute hatred and suspicion, as long as there are common interests, we can unite together. There are risks, but we must bear them.” , he glanced at Wang Ning, and Wang Ning, who was perceptive, sneered and shrugged. Then Yin Kuang said: “Moreover, if we cannot hand in sufficient rewards, even if the sophomore seniors are dissatisfied, they will not touch us. Because we are an outstanding class, we are not only protected by the principal, but also by the The protection of ‘university tradition’. Therefore, sophomores can only ask for rewards directly from freshmen. But for us, there is no problem. At the same time, more people are oppressed, and more people will sharpen their heads. To join our Class 1237, all we have to do is select the best among them.”
Yin Kuang’s trick has even been used by sophomore seniors. It’s like a group of sheepdogs driving a group of sheep into the sheepfold.
/“Didn’t that harm the people in the regular class?” Thinking about it, you know that if the sophomore directly exploited the freshman, he would definitely be able to peel off the skin of the first-year student. “Besides, I don’t think sophomores are so willing to give up.” Ouyang Mu looked at Yin Kuang and said. Yin Kuang shook his head and said: “First of all, the choice lies with the people in the ordinary class. If they pay the full amount of academic points, nothing will happen. If they don’t pay, they deserve what they deserve. And for us in the middle, maybe the two ends are not People, but we are indeed the ultimate beneficiaries. Because we will neither offend the freshmen nor face difficulties from the sophomores, and can successfully attract some talents. Of course, the reputation will not be good, but in order to survive, I They don’t care about reputation.”
Bai Lu figured out the connection and said in astonishment: “Yin Kuang, you really dare.” Yin Kuang said: “There is nothing you dare not do. And the most important thing is that I dare The main reason for doing this is because Bai Lu, you have a third-