
long after Adalua and his men jumped onto the ‘island’, the ground beneath their feet began to soften and turned into a thick liquid, slowly engulfing it.

long after Adalua and his men jumped onto the ‘island’, the ground beneath their feet began to soften and turned into a thick liquid, slowly engulfing it.
A few minutes later, a light that was imperceptible to the naked eye flowed on the surface of the ‘island’ Then, the ‘giant beast’ transformed from the reef island struggled hard, set off layers of waves, swam forward and dived slowly, and disappeared without a trace after a while.
Chapter 530 ‘Victory’
The god Wu Li gave new life to the giant biological weapon that had sunk for thousands of years, but it was impossible for it to return to its full glory immediately. Only after a long period of energy supply could the biological warship regain its due combat effectiveness. .Due
to the biological characteristics of ‘weapons’, the so-called energy supply is actually ‘eating’. After diving into the seabed, the spots on the biological warship that originally served as long-range weapon launch holes split one by one into huge flesh holes, which continued to squirm violently and suck. The huge gravitational force forms a vortex that sucks countless seawater into the filter in the ‘chest cavity’.
After filtering, the pure water is discharged, and the nutrient-rich microorganisms and salt particles are sent into the ‘stomach’ through the pipe. , through some unknown digestion method, a large amount of energy was produced, which was turned into fat-like crystals and stored under the skin of the battleship.
According to the energy replenishment situation of the ‘Ancient’, when all the energy is exhausted, the giant biological weapon needs It will take at least fifteen hours of full supply to fully recharge. The gap time in Zhang Lisheng’s plan is just enough for him to ‘resurrect’ all the remaining three biochemical weapons that have been turned into reef islands. Unfortunately,
he can calmly experiment with new biochemical weapons. Comparative analysis of various functions of battleships.
God Wu Li is not so lucky. He imagined that when he activated the next battleship, because the weathering was too serious, he tried his best and used the two powers of ‘giving life’ and ‘repairing’, but in the end he only got a strange aura. Floating objects like a mountain of garbage.
Looking at the floating island in front of him that was almost the same size as the expedition flagship, Zhang Lisheng jumped from top to bottom, jumped to the island, stamped his feet and murmured: “Not only the size It is dozens of times smaller, and the cortex has become softer. Is this caused by genetic mutation or degeneration?
Forget it, I have no idea about this kind of thing. If this biochemical warship changes from a giant ship to a small ship, maybe It’s actually a good thing…”
/As he spoke, he squatted down, touched the ground with his hands and closed his eyes for a while. With a bitter expression on his face, he ended his beautiful fantasy, “It’s just a worthless ‘meat mountain’. It can’t even be used to rebuild a battleship. Alas…” The young man stood up and sighed, co