
ying on the god Wu Li . On land, both wealth and power are far away. For the empty businessman under the family that Tas is loyal to, there is nothing he can do except to be angry. After thinking about it, he can only be cautious, lest others see his dissatisfaction and make all the benefits obtained in vain. .

ying on the god Wu Li . On land, both wealth and power are far away. For the empty businessman under the family that Tas is loyal to, there is nothing he can do except to be angry. After thinking about it, he can only be cautious, lest others see his dissatisfaction and make all the benefits obtained in vain. .
Time passed like this day by day. It only took half a day for the landmen caravan to ‘unload’, but it took a full half a month to load the specialties of Scorpion Island.
/Even Vitas, who had repeatedly promised to get Zhang Lisheng’s wish as soon as possible, was there. They all showed great patience when selecting the goods. After all, risking their lives to cross the seas of hell for trade, how could they not maximize their profits at the critical moment.
Finally, before the trade wind blowing southward on the sea, the fleet’s goods The warehouse was filled with valuable wood, mines, beast skins and pickled ingredients with special functions. The satisfied merchants no longer delayed, after giving many flashy gifts to the Wuli tribe leaders who helped them select the goods. , sailed away from Scorpion Island with a feeling of surprise.
Chapter 516 ‘Distress’
Just after noon, the pale sunshine slowly slanted westward. After lunch in one of the most spacious and comfortable cabins of the caravan flagship, Zhang Lisheng walked out as usual The cabin of the ship spread out against the strong wind.
In the era of wooden sailing ships, sailing was very risky, especially when the weather was bad. It was really hard to take the risk for no reason even if you had the opportunity to hide safely in the cabin.
In the roaring trade wind, a sailing ship as huge as a castle sailed on the sea. On the deck, the boatswain commanded seven or eight sailors. The thick wooden pole connected to the sail was turned vigorously, and the pulleys were used to adjust several sails, cleverly turning the south wind into a boost for the ship to sail eastward…
This kind of navigation skill is very clever. Unless the wind is against the wind, the wooden sailboat can always use the wind to drive to the correct destination. Unfortunately, if the wind direction is wrong, the kinetic energy loss will greatly slow down the sailing speed of the ship. Incomprehensible.
However, the role played by the young man is originally an eccentric scholar who would rather dissect animals in a barbarian tribe than enjoy the glory and wealth in the civilized world. Some of his quirks are normal.
As Zhang Lisheng was walking on the deck, the wind direction was changing all the time, affecting the direction of the wooden boat. After a while, the bow began to turn slowly again, and he looked up and stared at the weathervane on the mast. He was not tall and was angry. The boatswain, who looked extremely tough in the wind, immediately shouted loudly: “Left, turn left three times to fix it.
/Quick, quick, quick, don’t you have food to eat? If you continue to be so busy and messy, I will throw you into the sea to feed you.” Fish.”
In the roar of