
ck Holmes.

ck Holmes.
Amused by myself, I stood by the window, shook my head and chuckled, and called the mayor of New York to ask him to help arrange this.
Hong Kong was brightly lit at night.
The lights of high-rise buildings are reflected on the sea of ??Victoria Harbor, changing into a colorful scene as the waves rise and fall.
The old man went to attend the welcome party held by the Hong Kong Governor and had not come back yet. Han Xuan waited for his grandma to fall asleep, and then he was bored and planned to go out to play. At the door of the InterContinental Hotel, he met his grandfather who happened to be back, so he pulled him out together.
It’s nearing the end of the year.
In order to have a fresh start to the new year, my grandfather suggested that Han Xuan, who was facing many disasters this year, go to a temple to worship, burn some incense, and ask for the blessings of Bodhisattva.
As for a place where you can have fun at night and burn incense and worship Buddha, Temple Street in Ma Yau Tei, Kowloon is naturally the most famous. There is the largest Tin Hau Temple in Kowloon, and the incense has always been prosperous.
The road is full of cars. Pedestrians have no concept of “walking on a zebra crossing”. From time to time, you can see a person standing in the middle of the road. This is so unprofessional. If you encounter a crazy person driving fast, you will probably lose money. You have to burn it for him to use.
The night view of the city is exactly the opposite of that of the countryside. It is full of vitality. The neon lights on the roofs of the buildings are colorful and illuminate the entire city as if it were daytime.
/Vehicles on the road stop and go, horns sound continuously, pedestrians shuttle on the sidewalk, and various shops open their doors to welcome customers at any time.
/Get off at Temple Street.
Gangsters can be seen around from time to time. Their temperament is particularly outstanding. They are afraid that others will not know that they are in the underworld. Their tattoos are exposed, and they have an arrogant attitude of looking up at people with their nostrils.
Nowadays, the underworld is still a life-long system, and small-scale fights occur from time to time. The underworld plots in Hong Kong movies in the 1990s are a true reflection of Hong Kong today.
In a few years, Ma Chai will be hired for a fight, and the appearance fee will be 500 Hong Kong dollars, and he will only help to show off. The big guys have a tacit understanding not to do anything, because a fight may make them bankrupt.
This seemingly promising career is actually just for food and clothing, and to earn some money for fun. To use the words of “The Godfather”, a thousand gang members can’t make money faster than a law firm.
Han Xuan looked around. He liked strange cities because everything here was novel.
Various signboards with traditional Chinese characters, grilled squid stalls, and Southeast Asians in weird clothes are all attractions you can watch.
I queued up to buy a curry fi