
Why can’t we take them away?” Zhang Shengli himself advanced to level 5, and Liu Qian, who was level 6, How could he take Du Sheng seriously when he was with the enigmatic Yinhe? Seeing that the other party didn’t speak well, his tone suddenly became unpleasant to listen to.

Why can’t we take them away?” Zhang Shengli himself advanced to level 5, and Liu Qian, who was level 6, How could he take Du Sheng seriously when he was with the enigmatic Yinhe? Seeing that the other party didn’t speak well, his tone suddenly became unpleasant to listen to.
“I took them in, provided them with a safe place to live, and took them to Level 4. Even if you are friends, do you think it’s appropriate to take them away as you say? This really doesn’t treat me as the boss. You take it seriously!” Du Sheng became even more angry after hearing Zhang Shengli’s words. It was obvious that the two of them had a very unpleasant conversation after meeting.
“Then what do you want?” Zhang Shengli’s face darkened. He was negotiating with the other party on behalf of Master Liu, but he couldn’t let Master Liu lose face in front of his friends.
/“What do you want? You must give me enough compensation before I can let them leave with you.” Du Sheng knew that Xue Jian and others were determined to leave. He couldn’t stop them even if he wanted to. There was no point in forcing these people to stay. .
It’s just that if the other party takes the person away without giving any compensation and treats him like this, he will feel very unhappy. It’s not just a matter of compensation, but also a matter of face. Even if Xue Jian takes people away, he still has to make other people understand that his camp is not just for people to come and leave whenever they want.
“What compensation do you want?” Zhang Shengli asked Du Sheng.
/“It’s very simple. More than ten of them ate at least more than a hundred kilograms of my food at my place. You bring two hundred kilograms of food over and leave this woman to compensate, and everyone else can clean up and leave!” Du Sheng He snorted coldly and proposed his conditions to Zhang Shengli.
“Holy crap! You really dare to speak!” Zhang Shengli looked surprised.
When Xue Jian and others heard the conditions proposed by Du Sheng, their faces became a little ugly. They had only agreed to stay after being warmly received by Du Sheng, and they only said they would stay in their camp temporarily. Unexpectedly, When leaving, Du Sheng actually played such a trick on them.
There is also the so-called more than one hundred kilograms of food. Although Du Sheng sometimes took them out to look for food, they were the backbone of the camp. In most cases, they found food by themselves. Not only In this way, the food they had recovered in the past few days was no more than a hundred kilograms, which was enough for themselves and even contributed to the camp. But now it was all provided by Du Sheng.
Although they were very grateful to Du Sheng before, what Du Sheng said just now was indeed a bit excessive, and he treated them completely as if they were personal belongings.
“Don’t agree? Then please go back!” Du Sheng coldly prepared to see off the guests.
“You’re so funny! You opened her mouth with two hundred kilograms of food and you still want to keep her. Do you think we can agree to yo