
hand will be. This sword of mine is A sword with backbone, it becomes stronger as I get stronger. In the whole world, this sword is the only one worthy of me.”

hand will be. This sword of mine is A sword with backbone, it becomes stronger as I get stronger. In the whole world, this sword is the only one worthy of me.”
In recent years, few people have seen Zhong Baifan draw his sword, or none at all. Because no one could force him to use the sword, and when he stood here holding the sword, everyone understood that they would witness history.
Cang Jian gently shook out his sword energy, and the Seven Kills Ghost Sword seemed to feel a powerful enemy, trembling with excitement.
“Kill!” Zhong Baba suddenly roared, and the long gray sword pierced the space and rushed towards me. I waved the Seven Kills Ghost Sword, and the ghost sword’s madness shook the sky. The swords collided fiercely on the only remaining platform.
“Bang!” When the sword touched, the remaining platform was completely shattered. The dragon energy imprisoned under the platform was released and turned into golden light that dispersed in the sky.
/Zhong Baba and I stood face to face, the two qi colliding fiercely in the air. I could feel his determination to win and his oppressive aura. But I also know that I will not lose to him today!
At this moment of stalemate, I raised my feet and slowly took a step forward. I took a step forward, but he took a step back. The Seven Killing Ghost Sword suppressed the Cang Jian and slowly fell in the direction of Zhong Baan.
The young genius’s eyes were full of disbelief. He didn’t believe that he would lose to a mortal, let alone someone who had no power to fight back in front of him.
“You can’t stop me.” As I spoke, I took a step forward and Zhong Ba Ba took another step back.
Soon, in full view of everyone, I pushed Zhong Baizhi to the edge of the venue. The atmosphere of riot was already raging in the venue, and people’s ears made a “buzzing” sound.
“Who are you? You are definitely not that Ba Xiaoshan.” The Ghost Sword’s blade was already on Zhong Bianba’s neck.
“I’m still me, but I didn’t understand my fate in the past, but now I know. First it was you, then Luo Wuxin, and finally the demon clan. Now that I’m back, I won’t be a weakling anymore.”
At this moment , I actually completely suppressed Zhong for eight years, the number one genius in the world!
The swords collided, and under the cold light of the weapons, one could see the hidden anger and deep murderous intent in his eyes. In the past six years, Zhong Ba has never been so embarrassed. It can even be said that he has never suffered such humiliation in his life. The prince who lost to the demon clan back then was still a loser, but after all, the demon clan prince had been practicing for a long time, and he had extraordinary talents and the inheritance of the demon clan, so the loss was not an injustice. But in the mortal world, it was the first time that Zhong Ba was suppressed like this. The anger in his heart and the unhappiness that was suppressed at this time fermented in the heart of this proud genius, and the feeling became stronger and stronger. Finally, with a loud roar, all th