

“Put down all your weapons immediately! Kneel down and beg for mercy! Otherwise I will kill this woman!” Deng Hu shouted to Liu Gan with a crazy look in his eyes.
Liu Gan caused him to lose all face and cut off several ribs. He wished he could kill Liu Gan immediately to vent his anger, but since he was not as strong as the opponent, he could only use such despicable methods. As for the prestige and face in front of the players, let’s slowly get it back after dealing with Liu Gan!
Liu Qian looked at Deng Hu with sympathy. Who are you messing with? Go mess with that biochemical robot. If I weren’t her master, I wouldn’t want to mess with her.
Yinhe also looked at Liu Qian, as if waiting for Liu Qian’s instructions. Deng Hu also looked at Liu Qian with a ferocious look on his face, thinking in his heart Speculating on this woman’s status in Liu Qian’s heart, she wondered if this method could force Liu Qian to submit.
“If you want to kill him, just kill him!” Liu Gan calmly gave instructions to Yinhe.
/“Really? You think I don’t dare to kill her? I’ll kill her now!” Deng Hu thought that these words were meant for him, and his pupils suddenly tightened, and the dagger in his hand increased his strength and swiped towards Yinhe’s neck. .
Since Liu Gan didn’t care about this woman, he could only kill the woman and run away immediately. In any case, he could repay Liu Gan for the heavy ax that had just struck him and the previous humiliation to him.
After hearing Liu Gan’s words, the smile on Yinhe’s face disappeared instantly, her eyes became extremely cold, and a sharp blade popped out of each of her sleeves. The next moment, Deng Hu, who was trying to cut Yinhe’s carotid artery with a dagger, felt a pain in his chest, as if something had pierced his heart, and then his hands and feet became weak.
Then another bright metallic light flashed in front of him, and Deng Hu felt as if he had flipped from high altitude and fallen to the ground, and the world also turned upside down. When everything stopped, where Deng Hu looked, he was surprised to find that his body was still standing behind Yinhe, but there was no head on it.
Deng Hu understood in an instant that his head must have been cut off from his body. The question was, who cut off his head?
Liu Gan? I didn’t see him coming with an axe! And he, Deng Hu, had been hiding behind Yinhe and using her as a shield.
But Deng Hu had no chance to understand all this. His brain that had lost its blood supply quickly lost the ability to think, and then his soul fell into the eternal darkness. middle.
The other players were dumbfounded. They originally thought that Liu Gan would definitely die if their Lord Tiger took action, but what they didn’t expect was. Not only did their Lord Tiger fail to defeat Liu Gan. Instead, when the dagger strangled Galaxy’s neck. Killed by Galaxy.
Previously, they only thought that this man was very powerful. Other players had never thought that the woman following this man was actually so sharp. She could fight back e